Planado是公司的現場工作管理和績效質量控制的在線服務: - 安裝人員,協調員,快遞員,貨運人員,工程師,維護人員;
- 現場工作人員,移動團隊,現場工作人員。
Planado helps to:
- plan out job schedule, make changes in the schedule on the fly,
- provide checklists for workers so that they won’t forget to do anything and take all the important notes concerning their job,
- monitor completed jobs quality using jobs’ photo reports,
- pass the job information to your field worker instantly,
- easily make a route taking traffic into account,
- send out SMS-notifications to your clients to remind them of an upcoming job,
- send out SMS-notifications to your clients when your worker is on the way to their premises,
- make the work of the field staff transparent to the management,
- reduce the amount of paperwork and problems associated with it.