Hoory是AI驅動的客戶支持助手,可幫助您的業務自動化客戶通信,並提供24/7的支持,並以零延遲為零,將每次互動變成完美的客戶體驗。在對話式AI,機器學習和自然語言處理的支持下,Hoorory超越了自動化。它了解客戶意圖,提供相關答案並提高客戶忠誠度,同時節省時間並降低業務成本。除了其先進的AI功能外,Hoory還可以作為共享收件箱加倍,為您的代理商提供了與客戶交流的無縫方式。 Key Features ● Inbox Take charge of all your customer communications through this complete management system where you can - carry out and keep track of all customer interactions - have your agents take over conversations from your AI assistant - access your customers’ conversation histories and other data (including contact information, location and other identifiers) - filter conversations by tags, query status, assignees, location, etc. - analyze users’ browsing and activity history to better understand their journey - organize conversations by adding tags and notes - mark priority conversations with a star to better identify your select users ● Training Train your AI assistant to provide accurate and efficient support to your customers - identify common customer queries and teach Hoory to provide instant responses for each question - make conversations more interactive and purposeful by adding buttons, links and images - add personalization to each interaction by having Hoory use customers’ name, reference their location, etc. ● Team Collaboration Invite team members to utilize your AI assistant together and support customers collaboratively.管理個人權限並將特定任務分配給合適的專家。 ●可自定義的小部件風格的hoo裡可以通過命名小部件來匹配您的品牌標識,從而選擇了許多頭像選項之一併設置正確的配色方案。 ●語音識別,通過讓您的AI助手輕鬆將語音轉換為文本,反之亦然,為您的客戶提供了更多的溝通選擇。即將到來的功能●人們通過高級搜索訪問People應用程序中的整個客戶群,以查看和管理與最終用戶的所有互動。 ●在多語言市場上工作的多語言支持?在創建單個對話時,通過一次培訓多種語言,以100多種語言提供客戶支持。 ●表格收集更多的客戶信息,並通過使用對話觸發正確的數據收集表格,從您的AI助手中獲得更多信息。 ●實體通過創建自定義實體並使您的AI助手在客戶查詢中識別這些實體(例如國家,電子郵件,電話號碼,帳號等),並允許您的AI助手來提供更高的個性化,並根據這些實體採取有條件的措施。 ●對話讓您的助手進行多步對話,並與客戶進行引人入勝的對話。