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Top Medical Transcription Software - United States

Medical transcription software is designed to process, interpret, and convert digital voice recordings into text, making it accessible for medical professionals. Using advanced technologies such as speech recognition, artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning, and natural language processing (NLP), the software efficiently transforms spoken language into written documentation while also storing recorded dictations. This software streamlines clinical documentation workflows, reducing both time and errors, which allows healthcare providers to focus more on patient care. By automating transcription, it helps lighten the workload of physicians, nurses, and other medical staff, ultimately supporting the prevention of burnout. Healthcare professionals dictate or upload voice recordings into the system, which then generates text reports that can be stored within a patient's digital health record.

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Suki AI

Suki AI

Suki AI is an AI voice assistant for clinicians that automates medical documentation and administrative tasks, integrating with various EHR platforms.



MarianaAI is an AI-powered tool for automating medical coding and documentation, enhancing clinical decision support, and streamlining administrative tasks in healthcare.



Freed is an AI scribe that listens, transcribes, and writes SOAP notes in real time—saving clinicians hours on documentation. The tool is user-friendly, with next-to-no ramp up time. Just click “Capture Conversation,” at the start of your visit.

Lyrebird Health

Lyrebird Health

Lyrebird Health is an AI medical scribe app that streamlines clinical documentation for healthcare professionals, enhancing accuracy and efficiency in patient care.



Supanote is an AI scribe that automates progress notes for therapists. Save hours by using Supanote to listen to your sessions and write notes. Supanote supports a variety of input formats (direct listening, dictation, audio upload), and can generate notes in all clinical formats (SOAP, DAP, GIRP etc.). Trained to write just like a psychologist would, it takes high-quality, accurate progress notes, that you can edit if you like. Supanote is 100% HIPAA-compliant and highly secure - it scrubs all personal information and personal health information and deletes any recordings after processing. It is also compliant with PHIPA, PIPEDA, and GDPR. There are flexible and adaptive pricing plans based on usage.



Augnito combines the power of Speech Recognition AI with the ease of mobility. You can edit, format and complete reports at the speed of human speech, with the best-in-class accuracy. Augnito Everywhere offers a multi-platform Medical Speech Recognition solution accessible for both Windows and Mac users. You can login from any device and use your own templates and macros to create reports.



Scriba is an AI-enabled medical scribe software that generates real-time SOAP notes through automatic transcription and documentation of patient consultations. The HIPAA-compliant platform captures verbal exchanges between providers and patients, producing visit summaries.

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Top Medical Transcription Software - United States - WebCatalog