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Top HR Service Delivery Software - United States

HR service delivery software streamlines complex HR operations for organizations and HR personnel. These solutions integrate service center and help desk technology, standardizing the way HR teams deliver services and engage with employees. They facilitate the submission, review, and response to requests by both HR personnel and employees. Key features include streamlined service requests, an employee self-service portal, and tools to configure and automate HR service processes and analytics. Some of these solutions also use AI to automate workflows by learning frequently asked questions and integrating responses from the HR department.

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ServiceNow is a cloud-based platform that streamlines service management across various industries, enhancing workflows in IT, customer service, and HR.



Personio is an HR software that helps manage employee lifecycle processes like recruitment, onboarding, payroll, and performance for small to medium-sized enterprises.



Sympa is a complete, fully customisable HR software that lets you focus on your people and smart decision-making. Explore our solution and book a free demo.



Atomicwork is the leading provider of modern service management software, empowering IT teams to automate employee support and service delivery through AI. Atomicwork brings your employees, IT systems, HR operations and business process automation together to drive a productivity impact across your organization. Atomicwork helps you improve employee productivity and enterprise efficiency by enabling you with a digital enterprise experience for all business processes with AI-first workflows automation.



Superworks is an HRMS app that automates payroll, manages employee data, tracks performance, and streamlines HR processes for small to medium-sized businesses.



MyLenio is an all-in-one platform that allows your Small Business to get organized properly, enabling you to work with top companies like Google, PayPal, and SAP following the best industry standards. Our platform will integrate all of your processes so that they are organized and easy to manage. MyLenio simplifies your business by helping you achieve the highest standards in HR + IT + Compliance Streamline your small business and organize your company to work with Fortune-500 Companies!



Siit provides the power to HR & IT teams to build meaningful and lasting relationships with their employees. By providing the first dedicated internal help desk, it is now possible to deliver great employee service experience. Streamline employee requests and manage employee communication through your existing channels (Slack, emails, ...), automate manual work and analyse your actions, Siit helps you taking control of your employee experiences. Founded in Paris in 2021, Siit is on a mission to reunite people and companies together.

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