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Top Guest Wi-Fi Providers - United States

Guest Wi-Fi solutions enable businesses to offer secure internet access to customers in public spaces. These services integrate with existing Wi-Fi infrastructure, serving as a portal for users to connect to the network. In addition to providing connectivity, guest Wi-Fi platforms deliver valuable insights into customer behavior, including demographic data and location tracking. This data helps businesses better understand their visitors, allowing them to optimize the customer experience. Many guest Wi-Fi providers also offer additional tools, such as Data Management Platforms (DMPs) or Customer Data Platforms (CDPs), to store and manage customer information. Some providers also offer visitor behavior analytics, which extract actionable insights from how customers interact with the network. Additionally, certain guest Wi-Fi solutions include location-based marketing features, enabling businesses to create personalized marketing campaigns, targeted advertisements, or tailored offers based on customer data collected through the Wi-Fi network.

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Purple improves the way visitors connect with complex spaces. Serving the retail, healthcare, hospitality, attractions, airports, and stadium verticals, Purple's solutions are utilized in 120 countries, serving over 1 million end-users per day across more than 70,000 venues. Through Purple's indoor location services, businesses have been able to enhance visitor experiences by understanding who their visitors are and how they behave when they’re onsite. Through this insight, businesses have made insight-driven decisions to optimize operations and boost revenue streams.



Adentro is the only visit-based marketing platform that pairs with your in-store WiFi to drive real guest visits AND proves it. Our technology helps you identify unknown customers, attract new ones, and measure their visit behavior. Our proprietary Walk-Through Rate™ combined with enriched customer profiles simplifies how you drive and measure revenue impact at your locations. Are you investing in digital advertising? Leverage our database of more than 53M consumers to target your campaigns towards locals visiting businesses like yours. Adentro helps you better understand your guests for more effective marketing and increased ROI.



Tanaza, an Italian company, developed an intuitive and responsive cloud-based management software for IT professionals to operate Wi-Fi networks. At the core of Tanaza's technology is TanazaOS, a powerful Linux-based Operating System compatible with multiple wireless access points' brands. Tanaza creates value for its partners and users by allowing unprecedented efficiency in network management. Tanaza leverages software&hardware disaggregation by giving users the freedom to choose hardware and software operating systems from different vendors so that companies can reduce CapEx, OpEx, and TCO significantly. The Tanaza software makes the deployment and configuration of multiple Wi-Fi access points effortless and allows orchestrating devices from the cloud. Users can easily troubleshoot, configure, and monitor their networking devices, SSIDs, and networks remotely.



Give your business the edge with secure, branded guest wifi and a captive portal that converts visitors into loyal customers. Contact us today to learn more!



StayFi is the leading WiFi, email, and text marketing solution tailored specifically for short-term rentals. Our cutting-edge guest data capture technology seamlessly gathers essential guest information, such as names, emails, and phone numbers, through customized WiFi splash pages that showcase your brand. Furthermore, StayFi offers a comprehensive suite of integrated email and text marketing tools, proven to significantly boost repeat direct bookings and generate incremental revenue.

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Top Guest Wi-Fi Providers - United States - WebCatalog