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Enhance your experience with the desktop app for inkl on WebCatalog Desktop for Mac, Windows.

Run apps in distraction-free windows with many enhancements.

Manage and switch between multiple accounts and apps easily without switching browsers.

Discover the simplest way to read world-class journalism online. Enjoy brilliant reporting and analysis from publishers you don't see on other news apps, like The Economist, Bloomberg, Financial Times, Foreign Policy, and hundreds of others around the world. See stories curated to inform and surprise you, and make it easier and faster for you to follow news that matters to you. We don’t care about selling ads (inkl is ad-free) or going viral (inkl is a paid service where you are the customer, not the product). So instead of clickbait and fake news, we show you news you won’t see elsewhere, like our Good News feed, which starts you off with three positive stories every morning. Or our Analysis feed, which pulls together the latest long reads from publishers like The Financial Times and BusinessWeek. You can also dive deeper into related articles below every story that help you really understand the news, overcome biases, and burst the social media filter bubble.


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