使用 WebCatalog Desktop 上「Xitoring」的 Mac、Windows 版傳統型應用程式來改善您的體驗。
Xitoring是一個綜合的監視平台,旨在幫助用戶有效地管理和優化其數字基礎架構。它提供了廣泛的高級監控功能,包括清漆,Haproxy,PostgreSQL,Services,NetStat,Mostisor,MongoDB,IIS,IIS,PHP-FPM,KEYDB,REDIS,REDIS,MARIADB,MYSQL,MYSQL,NGINX,APACHE,APACHE, APACHE和心跳監測。這套廣泛的工具套件使用戶可以密切監視其服務器,數據庫和Web應用程序,從而確保高性能和可靠性。
Xoriting是IT基礎架構的多合一監視解決方案,可將其保持快速,簡單! Key Features: - Uptime monitoring (Ping, HTTP, API, DNS, FTP, Mail, Heartbeat, Cronjob, TCP, UDP) - 1 minute interval - Linux Server Monitoring - Windows Server Monitoring - SSL monitoring - Monitor your server software (Web servers, databases, Docker, etc.) - Public and Private Status page - Over 20 notification channels included (Email, WhatsApp, SMS, Telegram, Pagerduty, and more!) - Over 15 global probing nodes - iOS and Android app Alerts and Notifications via: - Email - SMS - Mobile Push Notification - Phone Call - Telegram - WhatsApp - Slack - Microsoft Teams - Mattermost - Discord - Google Chat - Atlassian OpsGenie - Ntfy - Gotify - Spike.sh - Splunk on-call - PushOver - Pushbullet - PagerDuty - Webhooks - Zapier OS Support and Integrations: - Windows Server 2012 and earlier - Major Linux distros (Ubuntu +14, CentOS +6) Integrations: - Basic Server metrics (CPU, Memory, Disk usage & IO, Network, etc) - Services and Processes - Apache - Nginx - PHP - MySql - MongoDB - HAProxy - Redis - KeyDB - MariaDB - Docker host and containers - Supervisor - IIS - Varnish - RabbitMQ - CouchDB - Kafka - and more!在2台服務器和8個正常運行時間檢查的情況下免費註冊並開始監視。
網站: xitoring.com
免責聲明:WebCatalog 與 Xitoring 並無任何相互隸屬、關聯、授權或認可之關係,亦非彼此的正式合作夥伴。所有產品名稱、標誌及品牌均為各自所有者的財產。