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Top Website Screenshot Software - United States

Website screenshot software automatically captures and archives screenshots of one or multiple websites at regular intervals. This functionality serves as a method of website monitoring, allowing the software to compile and compare screenshots, providing insights into trends and changes over time. Additionally, these products can help maintain up-to-date repositories of website information for branding and marketing purposes. Most website screenshot tools are standalone applications that offer various secondary features tailored to specific use cases. While similar to screen and video capture software, website screenshot software automates the screenshot process and provides storage and analytical tools. To qualify for the Website Screenshot category, a product must: * Automate the process of taking screenshots. * Maintain an archive of the captured screenshots. * Provide analytics based on the collected website data.

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Urlbox is a screenshot automation tool that captures accurate web page images, useful for monitoring changes and integrating web content. is an API for capturing real-time website screenshots, allowing users to integrate and manage web page previews easily.



Gemoo is a tool for screen recording, video editing, and image animation, designed to enhance digital content creation and organization.



ScreenshotOne is a screenshot API for developers. Render screenshots in one simple API call, instead of managing browser clusters, and handling all the corner cases.



Pagescreen is a tool for capturing, archiving, and comparing visual copies of web pages, enabling users to monitor changes and preserve online content.



VisualPing monitors website changes by tracking visual and content updates. Users receive alerts for significant changes based on customizable settings.



Capture is a versatile service that provides a robust API for taking high-quality screenshots, generating PDFs, scraping content, and extracting metadata from websites. Designed for developers, Capture ensures fast and reliable performance through its advanced edge servers, allowing for seamless integration into applications.



Monitor websites for updates to content, code, and images. Get alerts when changes meet your criteria. Archive full-page visual, text and image snapshots. ChangeTower is a powerful website content monitoring and archiving solution. Get notified when websites publish important updates that matter to you. - Monitor any website for changes to content, code, and images - Get push notifications and email alerts when changes meet your pre-defined criteria - Archive full-page visual, text, image and code snapshots - Monitor PDF and text files - Share monitors with your team



Screenshotmachine captures screenshots of web pages for documentation, testing, and monitoring, supporting various formats and integration with other tools.



Gyazo allows users to quickly capture screenshots and videos, share them via links, and organize visual content for effective communication and collaboration.

Adwallet is a tool designed for publishers and agencies which automates the visual documentation of digital direct or programmatic ad campaigns. Adwallet streamlines ad screenshot creation by automatically consolidating them into a single platform, exportable to company-branded PowerPoint templates. We put an end to the countless, tedious working hours of having to manually take screenshots and visually check for broken ads. Without the need for any integrations or adding additional scripts to your pages, we can help you save hundreds of work hours every year meanwhile ensuring ads on all devices and browsers render without errors.

My Site Archive

My Site Archive

My Site Archive captures website screenshots, source code, tracks changes, and monitors DNS records to preserve historical content and analyze updates.



LaunchBrightly - A reliable product screenshot automation platform for customer support teams. Eliminate the manual effort required to update the screenshots in your help center by automatically capturing and enhancing the freshest, most accurate, screenshots of your product. Elegantly designed, pixel-perfect and consistently on-brand screenshots across your help center. * Securely capture your product screenshots * Create automated screenshot sequences * Enhance your screenshots * Sync Screenshots with Help Center



ApiFlash is a simple yet powerful screenshot API that any modern company can easily use to make pixel perfect website screenshots at scale. An up to date version of Chrome is used to ensure that all modern web features are fully supported and that rendering is exactly as you would expect. It's also built over AWS Lambda to make sure that it truly scales and keeps being stable under heavy workloads. ApiFlash offers a clean and polished screenshot API that all modern businesses can use to enhance their products. ApiFlash's underlying platform is built over Chrome and AWS Lambda to ensure scalability, stability and cost effectiveness. More than 25000 businesses use ApiFlash to make millions of screenshots per day.



Blit is an innovative web application designed to automate the process of capturing and managing website screenshots. It allows users to schedule regular screenshots of specified websites, delivering them directly to their inboxes at set intervals. This tool is particularly useful for professionals who need to monitor website changes without the hassle of manual checks. * Flexible scheduling * Capture many URLs at once * Organize your captures * Send your screenshots directly to your cloud storage * Hide popups and overlays * Track metrics * Full history * Customize your e-mails * Log into a website * Customize the browser * Full API And much more ...

Ad Reform

Ad Reform

Automate ad screenshots, ad creative QA, ad creative previews and other tasks that hold you back from doing your most impactful work. Ad Reform is your intelligent ad operations assistant. Ad Reform builds SaaS tools and API's for the digital ad industry to help teams automate ad campaign screenshots.



Stillio automates the grunt task of taking regular website screenshots. Capture, archive and share screenshots the easy way and save yourself a lot of time. Stillio makes it easy for you to archive web pages. With Stillio's automated screenshot service, you can archive important web pages, keep records for regulatory compliance, track competitors, improve SEO ranking insights, verify ads, monitor copyright infringements, track trends and capture your online digital heritage.

Monitoring reimagined for private equity. Portfolio, targets, competitors: Racked monitoring, unified intelligence, complete visibility, competitive edge.



Generate PDFs and screenshots from HTML with just a few lines of code! Doppio is an API service, that provides the world best rendering engine to convert HTML to PDF or take screenshots. At scale, without compromising your security. With Doppio you just need an API call to generate huge amounts of file (sync or async rendering). You can even store files directly in your own S3 bucket without compromising privacy. Doppio is free to use up to 400 docs per month. We provide pricing plans offering higher volumes and additional features.



MirrorWeb delivers a unified communications surveillance platform. We support firms in meeting the record-keeping requirements imposed by the SEC, FINRA, FCA and MiFID. The platform captures all electronic communications including email, social media, websites, instant messaging, SMS and WhatsApp. The user can monitor and supervise all communications, as well as apply lexicon policies, export content and refine searches.



Hexowatch monitors websites for changes in content, visuals, and technical aspects, providing reports and alerts on updates.

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