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Top Virtual Fitting Software - United States

Virtual fitting software empowers apparel businesses to offer customers detailed sizing information, enhancing their ability to make well-informed online clothing purchases. Retailers can develop custom sizing charts for their products or enable customers to create personalized size profiles, recommending items that provide the best fit. This software can be integrated into e-commerce platforms or in-store kiosks to elevate the customer experience. Since virtual fitting software is mainly a customer-facing tool, it needs to integrate with customer-oriented software like e-commerce platforms and personalization tools, as well as backend systems like e-commerce analytics software.

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Esenca provides AI-based body measurements and sizing recommendations, with features for hand and feet measurements and a virtual try-on experience, accessible via the web.



3DLOOK is the creator of the world’s leading patented mobile body scanning technology that drives retail innovation by providing personalized fit and size recommendations and virtual try-on for shoppers to help brands reduce returns while increasing conversion and AOV. Our body data analytics gives brands actionable insights to retarget shoppers based on actual and accurate body shape and measurement data which is also being used to optimize design, product development, inventory planning, and distribution creating more sustainable business models. 3DLOOK has been recognized in Gartner® Hype Cycle™ for Retail Technologies, 2021, won the LVMH Innovation Award and the IEEE Retail Digital Transformation Grand Challenge in 2019, and was recognized as one of the 2020 Pioneers of the New World. Solutions YourFit 3DLOOK’s YourFit is the first and only virtual fitting software that offers virtual try-on functionality combined with highly accurate, data-driven size recommendations. The 2-in-1 solution is the first on the market that can answer the two primary questions that shoppers face when purchasing clothing online—Will this fit me? and Will this look good on me?—enabling fashion and apparel brands to provide a superior, personalized e-commerce experience while reducing returns. The solution completely virtualizes the shopping experience and gives brands the unique ability to offer their consumers a genuine dressing room experience online. Mobile Tailor The first contact-free body measuring tool for made-to-measure and on-demand businesses. Mobile Tailor allows custom fashion businesses to switch fully online and save time and costs associated with manual measurements and face-to-face appointments. Mobile Tailor can be integrated with pioneering on-demand factories to automate the custom manufacturing process.



Increase sales and reduce returns with Aistetic's AI-powered size recommendations. Aistetic's 3D body sizing & measurement technology: Reduces returns -- with accurate measurements, & size recommendations for better fitting clothing and happier customers. Increases sales, conversion & loyalty -- only 1 scan required for repeat shops. Profile creation with no sign up. Easy set up with sizing analytics dashboard, & GDPR compliant out of the box -- go live in less than 60 seconds.

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Top Virtual Fitting Software - United States - WebCatalog