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Top Vaccine Tracking Software - United States

Vaccine tracking software assists businesses in storing and managing employee immunization data, particularly for infectious diseases like COVID-19. These tools help businesses maintain vaccination records, store screening survey data, coordinate responses when employees test positive, and offer other features to ensure a safer workplace. HR personnel use this software to protect employees from disease outbreaks within the office. Additionally, vaccine tracking tools aid businesses in complying with government mandates, such as OSHA workplace safety rules and HIPAA regulations concerning employees' medical information. This software is typically used by companies with in-office employees, though it can also be applied to manage data for remote workers. By using vaccine tracking software, businesses can keep office spaces open while minimizing the risk of spreading infectious diseases.

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JotForm is a no-code platform for creating forms and automating workflows, supporting integrations and customizable templates for various business needs.



Qualtrics CoreXM is a platform for experience management, enabling organizations to build, launch, and analyze surveys for customer, employee, product, and brand insights.



Beekeeper is a mobile-first app that enhances communication and workflow for deskless workers, enabling real-time updates and file sharing.



Simplify your HR management with HealthBoxHR. Our platform lets you manage payroll, sick leave, timesheets, and more, all in one convenient location. Join over 1 million satisfied users and see how HealthBoxHR can help you save time, reduce costs, and improve your HR processes.



An all-in-one platform that helps offices, and it's people, use, manage and optimize their space. Zynq is empowering companies worldwide to embrace hybrid work through smart desk and room bookings, visitor management, health and vaccine screeners, collaboration tools and much more. Wraparound Enterprise Analytics give businesses the insights they need to take a data-first approach to important decisions. Trust by the best in various industries: Ferragamo, Shipbob, and LA Dodgers.



Help employees stay safe by having them complete daily symptom screening tests at home before coming into work. Employers can view the results and follow up with employees who report any concerns.

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Top Vaccine Tracking Software - United States - WebCatalog