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Top User and Entity Behavior Analytics (UEBA) Software

User and Entity Behavior Analytics (UEBA) software is a suite of tools designed to establish and model baseline behaviors for users and devices within a network. The goal is to identify deviations from these baselines and alert security teams to potential threats. These tools use machine learning to detect patterns in user and machine behavior, notifying stakeholders of unusual activities, malicious actions, or performance issues arising from errors or improper actions. Organizations use UEBA technology to safeguard sensitive data and critical systems from both external and insider threats. This includes identifying malicious behavior from employees, contractors, or partners, such as data theft, unauthorized privilege changes, or policy violations. UEBA solutions can also spot compromised accounts resulting from weak passwords or phishing attacks, granting unauthorized access to the network. Additionally, UEBA can help detect various external threats, including brute-force attacks and privilege escalation attempts.

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Top User and Entity Behavior Analytics (UEBA) Software - WebCatalog