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Top Unified Workspaces Software - United States

Unified workspace software consolidates various applications into a single platform, enabling users to access multiple tools without leaving the unified workspace. Employees often lose valuable time during the workday by switching between applications or searching for information. Unified workspaces address this issue by integrating all the applications in a company’s tech stack, reducing the time wasted on navigating between different software tools. These solutions typically combine popular collaboration, communication, and cloud content collaboration software, with some products also integrating with other common applications. The features of unified workspaces can vary significantly. Enterprise solutions often prioritize security, offering features like native or integrated single sign-on (SSO), security dashboards for administrators, and enhanced native functionality. Other unified workspace options emphasize ease of use and connectivity, providing features such as password savers for multiple apps and cross-app activity feeds.

Submit New App is a platform that organizes web applications and tools into customizable workspaces, enhancing productivity and collaboration for individuals and teams.



Workona is a productivity tool that organizes digital workspaces, helping users manage projects, tasks, and resources in one centralized platform.



MangoApps is a digital workplace platform that centralizes communication, collaboration, and workflow management for organizations, enhancing productivity and information sharing.



Basaas is a workplace management app that streamlines tasks, integrates tools, and enhances productivity for employees in a digital environment.



HulerHub is the world's most engaging, fully personalised employee experience platform. A modern day Intranet alternative; out of the box, easy to set-up and no I.T or design resource required. Offering a customer-grade user experience, the software brings together an organization's cloud-based systems, software, and content, enabling better control and insight into employee interactions and experiences in the digital workplace. - Build Better Employee Experiences From internal branding to personalisation and dynamic audience management, HulerHub makes building employee experiences easy, so you can focus on cultivating a people-first culture. - Collaborate From Anywhere Make working together effortless. HulerHub is accessible from any device, any time, any place, and enables users to quickly and securely share information both internally with colleagues and externally with customers and partners. - Maximise ROI & Engagement We have developed a software solution that works seamlessly with all cloud-based software and content regardless of vendor or provider to help organisations leverage the right content and tools at the right time, maximise ROI on existing and future tech investments, and engage employees.



Collaborate with Confidence. AvePoint provides the most advanced platform to optimize SaaS operations and secure collaboration. Over 17,000 customers worldwide rely on our solutions to modernize the digital workplace across Microsoft, Google, Salesforce and other collaboration environments. AvePoint's global channel partner program includes over 3,500 managed service providers, value added resellers and systems integrators, with our solutions available in more than 100 cloud marketplaces. Founded in 2001, AvePoint is a five-time Global Microsoft Partner of the Year and headquartered in Jersey City, New Jersey.

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