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Top Smart Irrigation Systems - United States

Smart irrigation systems enable farmers and others involved in crop harvesting to optimize water usage throughout the growing season. These platforms provide real-time updates on water usage—both for specific areas and overall—allowing users to remotely control irrigation systems. Many smart irrigation solutions include scheduling features that let users plan water cycles and adjust sprinkler output based on weather and environmental conditions. By leveraging the data collected, businesses can make informed decisions to enhance water conservation and quality. These systems typically communicate with specialized controllers or sensors from the vendor, as well as commonly available hardware. When integrated with other agricultural software, such as precision agriculture and farm management systems, they can streamline farming operations while minimizing environmental impact and reducing labor costs.

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Built for farmers and farm managers. Allows to manage Row Crops and Permanent Crops separately, since each crop type has different information which need to be tracked. Powerful reporting. Reports can be downloaded, emailed or scheduled. New custom reports will be create as requested. AgNote’s farm management software provides Annual Harvest View for crops which are being harvested multiple times a year, for example, crops harvests like strawberry picking, hay cutting. Water source management and crop irrigation tracking. Calculates applied irrigation water or wastewater inches for each planting. Calculates applied nitrogen applied through irrigations. Farm field mapping. Print or email field maps with the current planting information. Map updates automatically as you manage or created new plantings. Easy to plan your next plantings or crop season. User management. Add unlimited users to your account, assign roles and control access to sensitive (financial) information.



Hortau, an industry leader in wireless, web-based irrigation management systems since 2002, was founded in by two agriculturally minded entrepreneurs, Dr. Jean Caron, agronomist, Ph.D in Soil Physics, and Jocelyn Boudreau, agricultural engineer, M.Sc. in Soil Physics. Hortau’s patented, irrigation management solutions help growers detect plant stress in real time, ensuring optimal crop growth while reducing water and energy consumption, as well as environmental impact. With U.S. operations based in San Luis Obispo, Calif., Hortau has offices, representatives and technicians throughout North America, including a Canada headquarters in Quebec. Learn more about Hortau’s irrigation management systems at or by calling (805) 545-5994.

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