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Top Secrets Management Tools - United States

Secrets management tools enable companies to securely store, transmit, and manage sensitive digital authentication credentials, including passwords, SSH keys, API keys, database passwords, certificates (like TLS/SSL or private certificates), tokens, encryption keys, privileged credentials, and other critical secrets. These tools allow companies to centralize the management of their secrets across their IT ecosystem, mitigating risks linked to poor and manual practices, such as hardcoding credentials in scripts, using default passwords, sharing passwords, and neglecting to rotate credentials. By replacing fragmented and manual methods, secrets management tools offer centralized visibility, oversight, and control of a company’s credentials, keys, and other secrets across various departments. They are most commonly utilized by software developers, security professionals, and IT operations teams (such as DevOps or DevSecOps).

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1Password is a password manager that securely stores passwords, sensitive information, and documents, offering features like password generation, autofill, and security alerts.



Keeper is a password management app that securely stores passwords and sensitive information, supports multi-factor authentication, and integrates with various platforms.



Doppler is a secrets management platform that helps teams manage sensitive information and app configuration across various environments securely.



Cyqur is a revolutionary security solution developed by Binarii Labs that provides secure encryption, fragmentation, and distribution of sensitive data, such as passwords and cryptocurrency seed phrases. The key differentiator of Cyqur is that it doesn't store your data, unlike other password management services. This allows Cyqur to offer such a competitive price while providing unprecedented security through encryption, fragmentation, and distributed storage.



Infisical is an open secret management platform that helps companies manage secrets across their engineers and infrastructure. In addition, Infisical provides automatic secret scanning capabilities and secret leak prevention.



Akeyless Security is the company behind Akeyless Platform, a cloud-native SaaS-based approach to help manage enterprise secrets - credentials, certificates, and keys - while effectively phasing out conventional vaults and slashing associated costs by up to 70%. Designed for Infosec and DevOps professionals in enterprise hybrid and multi-cloud environments, the Akeyless platform efficiently controls secrets sprawl and automates secrets management. The platform also provides extensions to Secure Remote Access, Key Management and Password Management solutions. Leveraging patented Distributed Fragments Cryptography (DFC™), Akeyless is a trusted partner of many Fortune 500 companies and enables them to have safe and complete control over their secrets.

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