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Top Other Nonprofit Software - United States

Delve into a diverse range of nonprofit software solutions designed to empower organizations in achieving their missions. This category encompasses various tools and platforms that support fundraising, donor management, volunteer coordination, and program tracking. From CRM systems tailored for nonprofits to specialized grant management software, explore options that enhance operational efficiency and engagement. Discover innovative solutions that enable nonprofits to streamline their processes, improve communication, and maximize their impact in the community. Whether you're a small organization or a large nonprofit, find the right software to help you navigate challenges and drive success.

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Boardable is a board management platform that facilitates secure document sharing, agenda management, and collaboration for effective governance.



Geenees is a social gift-giving platform that grants users the ability to grant and fulfill wishes directly to families in need. Charitable giving is just a few clicks away. Support a family today with Geenees Social Gifting.



Feathr is the Nonprofit Marketing Platform, purpose-built to help organizations unlock more impact and more revenue. With easy-to-use advertising, email, social media, and digital engagement tools, Feathr helps you increase awareness, boost online donations, promote events, recruit volunteers, and ultimately do more good. Flexible features and integrations let you manage campaigns across multiple channels and bring all of your data into one place.



Chariot’s a payment option that nonprofits can add to their website, allowing donors to ‘one-click’ give with their Donor Advised Fund. Charities add our “Pay with DAF” widget to their website/payment page. Donors click the button, log in to their DAF account, and make a payment in 3 clicks. A donor-advised fund (DAF) is a specialized financial account used for the purpose of charitable giving. There is over $234B sitting in Donor Advised Funds. They allow donors to make a charitable contribution, receive an immediate tax deduction, and then recommend grants (that become donations) to 501(c)3 charities over time.



At the intersection of Fintech and Philanthropy, DonateStock is democratizing charitable stock gifting by making it accessible and easy for millions of nonprofits and donors. Our Easy Button for stock gifting makes it fast, safe and free for donors while removing barriers and friction for nonprofits.



Overflow makes generosity frictionless by unlocking more ways to give. Nonprofits, churches, and corporations can easily accept stock, crypto, and cash donations in minutes on our secure platform. Experience the Overflow advantage: An easy to use platform that allows donors to initiate gifts in minutes online (instead of taking weeks offline!). An expert support team that consists of real people dedicated to supporting nonprofits and donors to facilitate giving. A secure platform that is SOC-2 Type 2 compliant with ongoing penetration testing to keep donors and nonprofits safe. Transparency through a dashboard that gives you the ability to track donor details and gift status in order to steward and cultivate your supporters.



FaithStreet helps people find meaning in community. We do this through connecting people to faith communities and helping faith communities raise money. Our vision is to help the world's 10 million religious communities grow in members, dollars and impact.



GivePanel helps nonprofits manage and grow fundraising through social media, tracking donations, and optimizing campaigns, fostering supporter relationships effectively.



An online fundraising platform for schools, non-profits and businesses looking to give away NFTs and enable NFT gated experiences.



Proofpact is a nonprofit's fastest path to automating meaningful constituent engagement. The emotional vehicle used to do this is storytelling and the result is higher engagement and socialized proof of impact. When a supporter or client served shares a story, Proofpact delivers the most meaningful content to that storyteller who is now emotionally invested and more likely to engage. With Proofpact, nonprofits can start an automated supporter sequence of encouragement, empowerment, and engagement.



RaiseMore offers a user-friendly drag & drop website builder designed specifically for nonprofits. With a focus on simplicity and effectiveness, our no-code platform allows you to craft an engaging online presence effortlessly. Our range of customizable templates, specifically designed for nonprofit organizations, enables you to create professional websites and landing pages for events and fundraisers.



Resilia is a technology platform with a human touch. Resilia enables nonprofits to increase capacity and funders to go beyond the grant with technical assistance, coaching, and capacity-building support. We meet changemakers where they are.



Build Nonprofit Reports & Campaigns — Inspire donors to engage more, give more and share more.

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