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Top Legal Transaction Management Software - United States

Legal transaction management software centralizes and optimizes the legal transaction process, which often involves numerous stakeholders and extensive documentation across various organizations. These solutions serve as a central repository and authoritative source for all documents related to a specific transaction. Legal teams utilize this software to simplify the processes of signing, sending, and updating documents, ultimately generating a closing book for each transaction. While all legal transaction management tools accommodate flexible document signing regulations, some also manage non-flexible rules. Additionally, these solutions typically offer transaction checklists and reporting features, providing real-time insights into the status of transactions.

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Lawpath is an online legal platform in Australia that provides legal documents, consultations, and resources for businesses and individuals.



Start, manage, and grow your business with Ownr’s all-in-one platform for business formation and legal documents. Register or incorporate in minutes.



Ansarada is a secure platform for managing high-stakes financial projects, offering tools for data sharing, collaboration, and document management in M&A and fundraising.



Zegal: Pioneering Contract Management Since 2014 | Empowering Businesses with Accessible Legal Solutions In 2014, lawyer friends Daniel Walker and Jake Fisch founded Zegal with a mission to democratize quality legal services for businesses. Tired of the traditional system that limited top-notch legal advice to boardrooms and stuffy offices, they envisioned a platform that expedites a 'corporate law firm' experience for everyone online. Now, Zegal is the only comprehensive platform for businesses to create, negotiate, and sign simple and complex contracts, all while receiving expert legal advice entirely online. Over 20,000 companies have benefited from Zegal's services, closing deals, optimizing HR processes, managing contracts, and expanding into new markets. Zegal serves businesses in the UK, Australia, and throughout Asia.



dealcloser is a transaction management hub for legal professionals that brings you and your clients together on a deal, transforming and modernizing the deal process. Client relationships are at the core of any law firm and even small transactions require significant client interaction. Whether you have one or many deals on the go, use dealcloser to ensure that each client feels like they’re your priority.



RunSensible is a cloud-based solution that simplifies legal management operations for attorneys in small to medium-sized law firms. It offers comprehensive features, including time tracking, accounting tools, case management, contact management, and an integrated business phone system. RunSensible is accessible on desktop and mobile devices, including iOS and Android. It offers dedicated mobile applications to its users, making coordinating calendars seamless and fostering collaboration with clients and colleagues. RunSensible also allows for electronic bill payments and notifications. The platform further offers customizable document templates, contact management tools, disbursement tracking, document storage, and a native accounting module to streamline legal practice processes. RunSensible operates on a monthly billing cycle and provides its services to legal professionals seeking a comprehensive, user-friendly solution for their practice management needs.



Welcome to VirtualTerms. We offer easy to agree non-disclosure and confidentiality agreements online. We make it easy for both parties to create, review and sign online with one simple tool. Sign up for free!



SimplyAgree is a signature and closing management tool for transactional attorneys, streamlining the administrative tasks of a closing so your firm can focus on exceeding client expectations. Our software helps transactional teams: 1. Simplify closings. Create signature packets in minutes. Review and revise with just a few clicks. 2. Reduce write-offs. Deliver executed agreements and closing binders on the day of closing. 3. Delight customers. Seamless, intuitive signing experience. Build branded, beautifully-formatted closing binders instantly.



Automate the retrieval of CNRs, imaging and decoded billing histories for your client files in minutes Improve your file efficiency with easier and faster requests for your clients' full legal medical record. Get 100% digital records delivered in multiple formats to your computer.

Litera Transact

Litera Transact

One Transaction Management Platform for All of Your Deals Securely manage corporate transactions with dynamic checklists, intelligent process automation for signatures and closings, and closing book creation. Litera Transact helps legal teams manage all legal transactions and simplify workflows across many different deal types.

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Top Legal Transaction Management Software - United States - WebCatalog