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Top IoT Edge Platforms - United States

IoT edge platforms enable localized data processing directly on IoT devices. These platforms allow devices to continuously analyze data streams—such as information about networks, activities, and interactions with other devices or systems. Typically, IoT edge platforms offer containerized modules for deployment, a runtime environment for executing actions locally, and a cloud-based interface for remote monitoring and management. Organizations leverage these platforms to optimize bandwidth usage, accelerate response times to malfunctions, and reduce overall network traffic. By moving IoT data processing to the edge, security can also be enhanced, as less data needs to be transmitted over networks. While there is some overlap between IoT edge platforms and IoT analytics software, key differences exist. Most IoT analytics solutions do not process data locally on devices, instead centralizing data collection and analytics. In contrast, edge platforms handle analytics and processing directly on the device, reducing reliance on cloud infrastructure.

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Top IoT Edge Platforms - United States - WebCatalog