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Top Immigration Software - United States

Immigration software, also known as immigration practice management or immigration case management software, streamlines legal activities related to immigration cases. While it shares features with general legal practice management tools, it provides specialized functionality tailored for immigration. This includes direct connections to key immigration agencies like the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS), Department of Labor (DOL), Department of State (DOS), and the National Visa Center (NVC). Law firms utilize these solutions to access up-to-date immigration forms and effectively manage related processes.

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Filevine is a legal work platform for case management, task automation, document handling, and client communication, tailored for law firms' workflows.



Docketwise is immigration software for lawyers, offering case management, automated form preparation, secure messaging, and document management.



LollyLaw is an award-winning legal practice management solution for immigration law or related areas. Since 2014, LollyLaw has been unparalleled in its ease of use and powerful tools to create, manage, and track cases. LollyLaw now comes stocked with fully customizable immigration workflows and immigration form sets from USCIS, DOJ, DOS, and the FBI. Each form can be filled out through the web in a live collaboration mode so that you can assist clients remotely. The software features include contact management, SMS messaging, calendaring, notifications, time tracking, task management, invoicing, document automation, form filling, cloud storage, branded client portal, online payments, and customizable case types and workflows. New features and enhancements are added each month. With LollyLaw and LollyForms, you can work with clients anywhere to quickly gather information from intakes, questionnaires, and online PDF forms. LollyForms lets you and your clients work in a live document where you can chat online and assist with form related questions.



Imagility is a cloud-based immigration platform leading the way in innovation, and offering Petitioners, Attorneys and Beneficiaries a never-seen before combination of automation, transparency, and collaboration. Imagility packages powerful Immigration tracking, case management, client management features among others, all rolled into one cloud-based platform, automating manual processes and improving visa outcomes for all stakeholders. Ballooning denials and RFEs What problems will it solve? • Petition tracking and increased workload • Inefficient petition building and RFE responses • Siloed case management • Dipping revenues and margins • Struggle to manage beneficiaries • Losing Profile Information amidst frantic emails & calls • Chaotic Data sharing • Doing Repetitive tasks, stress & anxiety • Lack of information and ownership Excited to see our features? • Collaborative Petition Building • RFE Response Building • Workload & Case Management • Building Profile data online • Secure digital data access • Automating Tasks & Notifications • Transparent workflow & distribution • Data, Reporting & Insights • Collaboration & Community Support • Immigration Content & Resources • Integration of data Our intent is to save lives and reduce workload by about 30-40%. We see ourselves taking care of end-to-end immigration, employment, family and support as much of the world as possible.



The team that built ImmiBox possess a wide technology know how, absolute knowledge of risks and management, as well as deep understanding of the immigration industry and processes. The team is not only innovative but thoughtful and thoroughly precise. Traits that ensure that the very best of Customer Experience and Business Solution is delivered. For over a decade, we have focused on solving and simplifying the complex needs of Immigration Practice professionals. As we continue to grow we will ensure to bring to life solutions that meet your needs and drive your success.

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Top Immigration Software - United States - WebCatalog