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WebCatalog Desktop

Turn websites into desktop apps with WebCatalog Desktop, and access a wealth of exclusive apps for Mac, Windows. Use spaces to organize apps, switch between multiple accounts with ease, and boost your productivity like never before.

Top Hybrid Cloud Storage Solutions

Hybrid cloud storage solutions combine on-premises storage infrastructure with cloud-based storage resources, allowing organizations to take advantage of both environments. This approach offers flexibility, scalability, and enhanced data management capabilities, enabling businesses to optimize their storage strategies. Hybrid cloud storage solutions create a seamless connection between on-premises or private clouds and public clouds. Companies utilize these solutions to benefit from the scalability and cost-effectiveness of public cloud services while ensuring compliance with data regulations and maintaining on-premises infrastructure requirements. Mid-market companies, enterprises, and government organizations are particularly poised to benefit from hybrid cloud storage tools, as they often need to process large volumes of data and protect sensitive information. These software solutions also centralize and streamline data access and retrieval operations. Typically, hybrid cloud storage solutions connect users to various file storage and sharing software, object storage software, block storage software, and backup systems. Given the complexity of setting up hybrid cloud environments, companies may also employ a hybrid integration platform (HIP) to facilitate the implementation and management of these solutions.

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