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WebCatalog Desktop

Turn websites into desktop apps with WebCatalog Desktop, and access a wealth of exclusive apps for Mac, Windows. Use spaces to organize apps, switch between multiple accounts with ease, and boost your productivity like never before.

Top Home Inspection Software - United States

Home inspection software streamlines the process of capturing and organizing inspection data for property inspectors. Inspectors physically assess properties, prepare pre-inspection agreements, and produce detailed reports based on their findings—features that all home inspection software must support. These solutions are often designed for mobile use, making them ideal for the fast-paced, on-the-go demands of the inspection industry. Some software is specifically tailored to residential or commercial properties, while others offer customizable functionality that can adapt to any property type an inspection company may encounter.

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Magicplan allows users to create and share floor plans, measurements, and documents using AR technology on mobile devices, enhancing collaboration and project management.



Spectora is a web-based app that creates reports, automates business processes, and provides support and marketing services.



6000+ leading agents use Zenu CRM across Australia for explosive performance and for building their database. Code-free website builder, Websites that are uniquely yours. Our web builder gives you the power to easily style, update and manage the look, design and feel of your website.

Property Inspect

Property Inspect

Property Inspection & Operations Software – Your partner in real estate operations. Helping property managers work smarter every day. At Property Inspect, we revolutionise and centralise property management operations around comprehensive inspections. Our platform ensures the safety of your properties, assets, and tenants, making property management seamless and efficient. Our Mission is to empower the real estate market with tools that streamline property operations, enhancing the lives of property managers and their tenants alike, and we have a vision to make every building we live and work in compliant, transparent, and safe. Since our founding in 2015, Property Inspect has been dedicated to transforming the global property management landscape. Our platform not only focuses on compliance but also excels in streamlining inspections, conducting thorough risk assessments, and much more. With Property Inspect, property management becomes proactive, efficient, and worry-free, allowing you to focus on what truly matters. Property Inspect - Your partner in real estate operations

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