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Top Harassment Prevention Training Software - United States

Harassment prevention training software enables organizations to deliver compliance and prevention education to employees across both mandated and non-mandated states. Conducting training online offers a scalable and cost-effective method to fulfill state law requirements. Presently, states like California, Connecticut, Delaware, Illinois, Maine, and New York mandate companies to provide harassment and discrimination prevention training. Even in non-mandated states, training employees can proactively lower risks and mitigate potential punitive damages in harassment litigation. Most harassment prevention training software can be deployed on vendor-provided learning platforms or integrated into third-party Learning Management Systems (LMS) using the SCORM protocol. This flexibility allows training managers and HR departments to seamlessly integrate harassment prevention solutions with corporate LMS software for deployment, tracking, reporting, and maintaining records of employee progress for several years, as mandated by some states. Certain vendors also offer these solutions alongside HR compliance software to further streamline organizational compliance efforts.

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Top Harassment Prevention Training Software - United States - WebCatalog