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Top Grocery Delivery Software - United States

Grocery delivery software empowers grocery and food stores to establish delivery services effortlessly, eliminating the necessity of hiring dedicated shoppers or drivers for each store. This software enables grocery stores to establish an online or mobile presence, catering to customers seeking on-demand services. Managers of grocery or convenience stores can collaborate with these platforms to set up customer-friendly ordering pages. Designed specifically for ordering and delivering groceries or snacks, grocery delivery software resembles restaurant delivery/takeout or on-demand catering software. These platforms may seamlessly integrate with retail management systems or POS software to streamline order management. Furthermore, they often incorporate e-commerce platforms and feature payment gateway software for seamless transactions.

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Instacart is an app that allows users to order groceries from local retailers for delivery or pickup, managed by personal shoppers.



Gopuff is an app for on-demand delivery of food, household essentials, snacks, and alcohol in select areas, available 24/7 with quick delivery and easy reordering.



Routific is a route optimization app for logistics, enabling quick planning and efficient dispatching of delivery routes with real-time adjustments.



Onfleet is a delivery management app that helps businesses manage local deliveries with tools for route optimization, tracking, and communication between drivers and dispatchers.

Shelf Engine

Shelf Engine

Shelf Engine automates the entire grocery ordering process. We pay suppliers for everything they deliver. Grocers only pay for what sells.



Locate2u is a software platform designed for any delivery or service business. Our solution helps these businesses improve their route efficiency, improve their customer's delivery experience, and increase productivity, all while reducing the time it takes to plan routes. Our solution provides companies with everything they need to run their delivery or service business. Including: GPS Tracking, Live Location Sharing, Booking Management, Route Optimization, Driver App, Notifications, Proof of Delivery, API, Customization and much more!

Good Eggs

Good Eggs

Absurdly fresh groceries and meal-kits delivered same day.

Local Express

Local Express

End-to-end grocery eCommerce platform for grocery stores, restaurants, bakeries or any other industry-specific businesses to go online.

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Top Grocery Delivery Software - United States - WebCatalog