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Top Food Traceability Software - United States

Food traceability software enables users to research, track, and store detailed information about food products. Companies utilize this software to maintain comprehensive records of food orders and their sources. These platforms offer tools to monitor the origins of inventory across various products and shipments. A key feature is their support for maintaining health and safety compliance. Many traceability solutions also include tools for optimizing spending and budgeting, generating allergy warnings, and facilitating communication with suppliers. While some food service management and distribution software includes traceability features, they often come with a wide range of additional functionalities.

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Safefood 360

Safefood 360

Safefood 360° is a cloud-based app for managing food safety and supplier quality, offering tools for monitoring, audits, and compliance across multiple sites.



Erudus is a market leading source of accurate allergy, nutritional and technical product data, populated by the food industry.



FoodDocs is a food safety management app that helps businesses comply with safety standards, streamline monitoring, and improve traceability in food production.



Otrafy is a cloud-based software that streamlines real-time buyer-supplier communication and document workflow for better compliance and risk management. Highly regulated industries like food & beverage manufacturers leverage Otrafy for their Food Safety and Quality Assurance programs to centralize supplier management, attain better sustainability, and save more on unavoidable time and cost spends. Otrafy empowers QA professionals to “achieve more with less.”



If your restaurant or food truck is anything like ours, then you likely struggle with inconsistent scheduled line checks and food logs. FreshCheq is our customized solution to dreaded paper logs and cumbersome reporting.

Brizo FoodMetrics

Brizo FoodMetrics

Access the freshest, most comprehensive foodservice insights on the market Improve market visibility, capture quality leads, and increase conversion rates with Brizo FoodMetrics. With unparalleled market coverage and granular data, continuously updated for accuracy, we empower you to make quick, informed decisions in a fragmented foodservice landscape.



A supplier compliance management solution to easily manage from 10 to 10,000 suppliers. Customize specific requirements such as Supplier Agreements, Tax Forms, Data Requests, Policy Acknowledgements, built in FSMA and GFSI Certification requirements,etc.

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Top Food Traceability Software - United States - WebCatalog