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Top Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) Software - United States

Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) software helps organizations identify, assess, and mitigate risks to reduce potential financial, legal, and operational liabilities. ERM software enables businesses to develop, implement, and monitor comprehensive risk management strategies across the entire organization. Often referred to as Governance, Risk, and Compliance (GRC) platforms, these solutions address a broad range of risks, including financial, strategic, hazard, and operational risks. Key features of ERM software include organizing and evaluating risk-related data, tracking incidents across the company, and providing tools to assess risk factors and adjust operations to ensure compliance with policies and regulations. Primarily used by compliance officers, risk analysts, and managers, ERM software helps operational teams safeguard the organization’s integrity and minimize risks like lawsuits, investigations, and accidents. It’s important to distinguish ERM software from cybersecurity software, which focuses specifically on protecting security and privacy and does not address broader organizational risks. While cybersecurity tools are designed to help businesses adhere to security frameworks and pass security audits, ERM platforms take a more holistic approach, integrating with environmental, quality, and safety management software in industries such as manufacturing and retail. ERM systems are typically structured around three core components: governance, risk, and compliance. These components work together to provide critical insights, helping organizations navigate risk and maintain regulatory adherence. Vendors usually package ERM solutions as comprehensive platforms to deliver integrated risk management benefits.

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ServiceNow (NYSE: NOW) makes the world work better for everyone. Our cloud-based platform and solutions help digitize and unify organizations so that they can find smarter, faster, better ways to make work flow. So employees and customers can be more connected, more innovative, and more agile. And we can all create the future we imagine. The world works with ServiceNow.



#1 Rated security compliance automation platform Move fast without breaking things Ambitious cloud companies all over the world trust Sprinto to power their security compliance programs and sprint through security audits without breaking their stride. Integration-first Automation-enabled Audit-aligned Over 1 Million compliance checks evaluated every month Security compliances don’t have to be hard The broad nature...

Scrut Automation

Scrut Automation

Scrut is a one-stop shop for compliance. Scrut is an automation platform that 24/7 monitors and collects evidence of an organisation’s security controls while streamlining compliance to assure audit readiness. Our software provides the fastest solution for achieving and maintaining SOC 2, ISO 27001, HIPAA, PCI, or GDPR compliance in a single place so that you can focus on your business and leave compliance to us. Scrut handles all the infosec compliance standards and internal SOPs in a single-window dashboard. Scrut automatically maps the evidence to applicable clauses across multiple standards while eliminating redundant and repetitive tasks – saving your money and time.



Our mission is Governance: C1Risk is a culture. Our technology drives communication of risk and controls to authorized stakeholders to make informed decisions. The achilles heel of the GRC industry is the amount of maintenance required for its tools. C1Risk is recognized by its customers for changing the focus of information security teams from maintenance to risk management. Our customers are all successful risk practitoioners. C1Risk provides a SaaS GRC platform, built on AWS, for the risk-aware enterprise. C1Risk is a technology company and the leading cloud-based, AI, enterprise risk and compliance management platform. We offer a full suite of GRC - integrated risk management - solutions for a single price, including a GRC Regulations and Standards Library for Compliance, Asset, Internal Audit, Issue, Incident, Policy, Vendor, Vulnerability and Risk Management for all-size companies.



Compliance Operations Platform. Built to Scale. Gain the visibility, efficiency, and consistency you and your team need to stay on top of all your security assurance and compliance work. Automated compliance management software to help you efficiently grow from one security framework to many, including SOC 2, ISO 27001, NIST, and PCI.



AuditBoard transforms how audit, risk, and compliance professionals manage today’s dynamic risk landscape with a modern, connected platform that engages the front lines, surfaces the risks that matter, and drives better strategic decision-making.



Workiva Inc. (NYSE:WK) is on a mission to power transparent reporting for a better world. We build and deliver the world’s leading regulatory, financial, and ESG reporting solutions to meet stakeholder demands for action, transparency, and disclosure of financial and non-financial data. Our cloud-based platform simplifies the most complex reporting and disclosure challenges by streamlining processes, connecting data and teams, and ensuring consistency. Learn more at Follow Workiva on LinkedIn: Like Workiva on Facebook:

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