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Top Enterprise Architecture Tools

Traditionally, enterprise architecture has been regarded as an approach to organizing and structuring a business. However, a range of technology solutions now exist to support the analysis, design, and implementation of business technologies and strategies. These tools provide administrators with the ability to organize a company's operations, processes, and standards, helping them visualize and understand the business structure. They assist with high-level project portfolio management, enabling the planning of business structure, processes, and asset utilization. Additionally, these solutions support technology portfolio management, as well as managing risks, requirements, projects, and business processes. There is a close relationship between enterprise architecture tools and application portfolio management (APM) software. While both are concerned with technology and business alignment, they serve different purposes. Enterprise architecture tools are designed for broader project planning and the management of technological execution, policies, and organizational structures. In contrast, application portfolio management tools focus specifically on aligning and optimizing the technologies currently in use within the organization, making them one component within the broader enterprise architecture framework.

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