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Top eDiscovery Software - United States

Electronic discovery (eDiscovery) software facilitates the review of electronic documents and information for litigation purposes. Law firms and corporate legal departments utilize eDiscovery platforms to gather all relevant files and associated metadata, filter out irrelevant information, and review individual documents for their case relevance. This process begins with issuing a subpoena for digital information to relevant parties, detailing the types of files, relevant dates, content, and other stipulations. Many eDiscovery solutions integrate with databases, file storage, and backup systems to simplify data import and collection, as well as with case management tools to organize this data alongside other case-related information.

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Everlaw is an e-discovery platform that helps legal professionals manage and review documents efficiently, focusing on analysis, organization, and workflow optimization.



DISCO is a cloud-based AI legal solution for streamlining ediscovery, document review, and case management for legal professionals.



Nextpoint is a cloud-based platform for legal teams to manage electronic evidence, streamline workflows, and facilitate data sharing and trial preparation securely.



Legartis AI automates contract review and extracts relevant clauses from thousands of contracts at the push of a button. Get to know it now!

Lexlink AI

Lexlink AI

Lexlink AI is a practical tool crafted for paralegals and legal teams, which focuses on pinpointing inconsistencies and contradictions in case-related documents provided by opposing parties. It acts as a diligent assistant that sifts through extensive legal paperwork to highlight any discrepancies that could impact a case. Additionally, it can distill complex files into clear, concise summaries, helping legal professionals grasp the essentials without getting bogged down in details. Furthermore, Lexlink AI assists in formulating detailed inquiries for the discovery phase, ensuring that lawyers have the precise information they need. This tool is designed to simplify the meticulous work of legal analysis, making it more accessible and less time-intensive.



CloudNine is an eDiscovery app for managing and reviewing various electronic data types from multiple sources, enhancing legal investigations and data analysis.



GoldFynch is a cloud-based eDiscovery solution that stands out for its up-front, transparent, and affordable pricing, easy-to-use yet powerful toolkit, and streamlined onboarding and workflow. Sign up, create a case, and get reviewing in minutes! With no commitments or lock-in periods, you can scale and close your cases at any time. Pricing: Exclusively case volume-based and prorated. Uploads, data processing, and productions are free. No commitments. Cancel at any time. Sharing & Collaboration: Collaborate for free with unlimited users. Directly and securely share productions. Interface: Designed so you can get started and reviewing in minutes. Run right in your web browser; no installs or downloads required. Get started with a free trial case now!



Briefpoint is a platform for litigation attorneys. Briefpoint combines machine learning with your work product to draft your responses to discovery in minutes.



Solutions for seamless file sharing, instant information discovery and efficient workflows. Virtual Data Rooms | Chronologies | eDiscovery | Bundles



Capture, analyze and share legal testimony, including depositions, EUOs, and more. Powered by Zoom and integrated within Skribe, you can host your events with us and get them automatically processed and put into your Library when complete.

Litera Litigate

Litera Litigate

Litera Litigate is a litigation management platform that connects every element of your case, giving you key information at your fingertips.

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