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Top E-Prescribing Software - United States

E-prescribing software allows physicians to create and send prescription orders electronically to pharmacies. This technology helps reduce dosage errors, improve patient safety, streamline the medication process, and boost patient satisfaction. It also automates prescription refills, reduces the reliance on paper prescriptions, lowers the number of unfilled prescriptions, enhances the documentation of patient medication histories, and fosters stronger connections between medical practices and pharmacies. E-prescribing software is used by healthcare professionals, patients, pharmacists, and providers.

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Valant is a cloud-based EHR and PM system tailored for behavioral health, streamlining administration, patient management, and telehealth services.

Practice Fusion

Practice Fusion

Practice Fusion is a cloud-based electronic health record system for doctors and patients, featuring customizable charts, e-prescribing, scheduling, and billing integration.



RXNT is a customizable clinical and practice management software for healthcare providers, offering tools for e-prescribing, patient management, billing, and scheduling.

Hint Health

Hint Health

Hint’s EHR-integrated membership management & billing software streamlines operations so your team can focus on patient care.

Therapy Brands

Therapy Brands

Regardless of the EHR that you use, NewCrop will bring a modern, intuitive, and fully-compliant e-prescribing solution to your practice. Leap over regulatory hurdles and handle controlled substances and DEA audits simply and efficiently. Available to practitioners in all fields as well as to other EHR vendors.



protonEMR is a robust, customizable, and easy to use patient management system focused on making doctor's practice easier than ever!



"Wellscribe is a Doctor first Electronic Medical Records (EMR) platform dedicated to supporting small clinics and individual medical practitioners. Wellscribe streamlines patient details storage, appointment management, and facilitates seamless digital prescriptions, enhancing care precision and operational efficiency. Wellscribe is uniquely integrated with the Ayushman Bharat Digital Mission (ABDM) architecture, a Government of India initiative. Leveraging ABHM sandbox technology, it ensures secure storage and effortless sharing of patient data across the healthcare ecosystem, connecting practitioners to a centralized healthcare network.

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