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Top Decentralized Identity Software

Decentralized identity software is an identity management model where users retain ownership and control over their own credentials, as opposed to relying on a centralized authority such as a government or corporation. These solutions are designed to simplify identity operations and credential verification, helping to reduce identity fraud, streamline user onboarding, lower costs related to issuing digital certificates, and provide a privacy-preserving method for identity verification. Decentralized identity software also mitigates security risks associated with storing identity data centrally, including sensitive information like personally identifiable information (PII). Organizations use decentralized identity software to validate and manage the identities of employees, customers, end users, and even devices, such as those within the Internet of Things (IoT). End users—whether customers, employees, students, or patients—benefit from these solutions by gaining greater control over their personal information and enjoying enhanced privacy. In contrast to centralized identity management systems, which store PII like names, email addresses, and passwords, decentralized identity solutions empower users to maintain direct control over their identity data. Users can easily share or revoke access to their information at any time. This concept, where individuals manage their digital identity without relying on a centralized registry, identity provider, or certificate authority, is known as self-sovereign identity (SSI).

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Top Decentralized Identity Software - WebCatalog