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Turn websites into desktop apps with WebCatalog Desktop, and access a wealth of exclusive apps for Mac, Windows. Use spaces to organize apps, switch between multiple accounts with ease, and boost your productivity like never before.

Top Debt Management Software

Debt management software assists businesses in raising capital from institutional investors to support working capital, operations, and reinvestment efforts, while effectively managing the debt for both parties involved. Debt transactions typically involve three key phases: due diligence, structuring, and post-deal monitoring. This software plays a vital role in overseeing the debt throughout its lifecycle, including drafting credit agreement terms, tracking compliance, managing covenants, ensuring timely paperwork submission, and verifying that credit agreement conditions are met. Primarily used by fintech firms and finance teams, debt management software helps streamline time-consuming tasks such as generating reports, maintaining payment waterfall ledgers, handling due diligence documentation, and managing other quantitative aspects of debt. The main users of these solutions include borrowers, lenders, banks, investors, and insurance and financing companies. Lenders and investors utilize debt management software within their portfolio management systems to monitor and track investments, assess credit risks, and perform debt analysis. Borrowers, on the other hand, use it to manage payments, monitor collateral, and track compliance with covenants. It is also widely used by specialized industries such as finance, real estate, e-commerce, and retail.

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LeadSquared is a CRM and marketing automation platform for SMBs, managing lead capture, sales analytics, and marketing campaigns in one place.



DebtBook provides treasury and accounting software for governments and institutions, automating debt, cash, lease, and subscription management to improve financial efficiency.



Chaser automates invoice reminders and payment tracking, streamlining accounts receivable processes for faster payments and improved cash flow management.



Yubi is a financial platform that connects borrowers, lenders, and investors, offering a variety of corporate debt products and a marketplace for financing options.



Percent app provides access to private credit investments, enabling users to engage with alternative investment opportunities in private markets.



Paymefy is an AI tool that automates debt collection, improving payment recovery and cash flow for businesses by streamlining communication and payment processes.

Cascade Debt

Cascade Debt

Cascade Debt app offers verified data for asset-based credit diligence and risk management, enabling faster scaling of assets and debt with reduced risk and complexity.



Finley is an app that simplifies debt capital management for borrowers and asset managers by automating due diligence, compliance, and reporting.

Cardo AI

Cardo AI

Cardo AI is a platform that streamlines data management and decision-making in asset-based finance, reducing errors and automating financial processes.

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