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Top Construction Drawing Management Software - United States

Construction drawing management software, often called BIM for construction, equips engineers, contractors, administrators, and other professionals with tools to streamline drafting, revising, and sharing construction plans. This software enhances collaboration between site owners, contractors, and builders, even without an internet connection. Additionally, it offers document management features, enabling users to digitize, store, and archive files for easy access. Regularly integrating with third-party BIM, project management, financial, and takeoff solutions, construction drawing management software provides a comprehensive toolset applicable throughout the entire construction lifecycle.

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Procore is a construction management app that centralizes project data, enhances communication, and streamlines workflows from planning to closeout.



Fieldwire is a jobsite management app for construction teams that streamlines task management, communication, and information sharing between the field and office.



Projectmates is a cloud-based construction management software that helps owners manage projects through tracking, reporting, and data analytics.



ArcSite enables users to create drawings, perform measurements, and generate reports on-site, supporting industries like construction and architecture.

Sitemax Systems

Sitemax Systems

Sitemax Systems is a construction management app that includes tools for daily reports, safety management, timecards, photo documentation, and project drawings.



User-friendly project management software for construction teams. Get the job done. Increase efficiency and reduce errors with Fonn Construction. Fonn Construction is a field tool with a high ease-of-use, at a much lower cost than other project management and field tools. We help address issues before they become problems, and help companies save time and money: Contractors and sub-contractors.



Buildern is the complete residential construction project management software created to facilitate a flawless construction management experience both for home building and commercial construction industries. As an all-in-one B2B solution, Buildern comes to fill the gap of construction project management tools desperately needed by small to medium construction companies and general contractors alike. As a construction management software, Buildern is designed and created with the intention to become a one-click solution to managing all aspects of complex project processes, through simplifying construction management processes and making the entire experience more efficient, more productive, and more profitable. A user-friendly platform, Buildern offers its users an intuitive flow into managing all aspects of construction project management – from pre-sales and administrative activities up to day-to-day project and financial management. Buildern comes in three subscription plans which let you choose the level required for your team and allow scaling naturally as you grow your company. Buildern Features • Pre-sales lead tracking and management • CRM • End-to-end construction project management • Start-to-finish financial management • Streamlined administrative processes • Mobile App



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Top Construction Drawing Management Software - United States - WebCatalog