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Top Car Rental Software - United States

Car rental software offers customizable tools that help automobile rental businesses streamline their operations, manage employees, and enhance customer interactions. Office managers and sales representatives use these solutions to oversee rental car inventories, assist customers, and handle administrative tasks. Key features often include inventory management, vehicle history reports, customer databases, payment processing, GPS tracking, and accounting functionalities. Additionally, this software can connect with garages and auto repair shops for vehicle repairs and facilitate communication with car dealers for purchasing rental vehicles. Many car rental software systems also integrate with payment gateways to ensure secure transactions, as well as billing and accounting software to simplify financial processes.

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Turo is a peer-to-peer car sharing app that connects owners with travelers, allowing users to browse and book a variety of vehicles from local hosts.



RENTALL is a cloud-based all-in-one solution for all your car rental business needs. Our customizable Software can help simplify your workload, allowing you to manage your business conveniently. Our user-friendly software allows you to manage your fleet, customers, online reservations, rental agreements, and online transactions. The software can be integrated with your website. Our expertise in rental software and remarkable customer support, with user-friendly software, has won us 10+ awards.



Optimize your business with RentSyst to simplify fleet management and maximize the benefits of all processes!



CarCort is an all-in-one Car Rental Management Platform designed to streamline rental operations for New York City and beyond businesses. From agreement management with electronic signatures to NYC ticketing integration and liability transfers, CarCort makes managing your fleet easier and more efficient.



Because we know the challenges of vehicle rental (cars, scooters, boats, bicycles, trucks), we have developed intuitive and effective software that will answer all your problems. Fleetee is a real CRM and management tool that you won't be able to do without. Reservation module: interactive planning to make things simple for you, automated contracts. Vehicle preparation module: inventory (Take a photo of the vehicle so you don't forget any scratches from your smartphone or tablet, no more paperwork, with e-signature you save your agents time). Maintenance module: pampered vehicles for optimal quality of service! Claims and payment management module. Fleetee goes even further to increase your visibility and boost your sales. Your cars appear on our partner sites (Liligo, Zotcar...). Your website in your colors with an integrated reservation module. You accept payments on your site by credit card.



Fleetlane is a cloud based loaner car management solution built with and for car dealerships, groups and OEM's. Our secure and scalable software enables your team to track vehicles in real-time, manage contracts and organize payments with only a few clicks. The Fleetlane application offers no yearly contract and makes managing your loaner car fleet fast and efficient whilst increasing the revenue generated from your vehicles.



Loopit provides an all-in-one software that allows businesses launch and manage their own car subscription that meets the needs of their own market. Our end-to-end solutions help dealerships, OEMs and other emerging car subscription providers launch and manage their car subscription service all under the one platform. These include billing and payments, customer management and fleet inventory management.

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