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Top Breach and Attack Simulation (BAS) Software - United States

Breach and attack simulation (BAS) software replicates real-world security threats, helping businesses prepare their incident response plans and identify potential vulnerabilities in their security systems. These simulations might involve sending fake phishing emails to employees or attempting to breach a company’s web application firewall. Many BAS tools offer automated simulations with AI-driven threat logic and continuous testing, ensuring that teams are always ready to respond effectively to security incidents. These simulations are typically available around the clock, and businesses often run them periodically, especially when security systems are updated or policies are revised. Without these simulated attacks, it can be challenging to gauge the effectiveness of security operations. Customized simulations can mimic various threats targeting different areas or within specific environments, helping businesses assess and strengthen

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Sophos Central

Sophos Central

Sophos Central is a cybersecurity platform that protects devices and detects threats using AI, integrating various tools for threat management and response.



Cymulate is a leading Security Validation Platform based on the industry's most comprehensive and user-friendly Breach and Attack Simulation technology. We empower security teams to continuously test and harden defenses in a dynamic threat landscape by taking the view of the attacker. Cymulate deploys within an hour, integrating with a vast tech alliance of security controls, from EDR, to email gateways, web gateways, SIEM, WAF and more across on-prem, Cloud and Kubernetes environments. Customers see increased prevention, detection and improvement to overall security posture from optimizing their existing defense investments end-to-end across the MITRE ATT&CK® framework. The platform provides out-of-the-box, expert, and threat intelligence-led risk assessments that are simple to deploy and use for all maturity levels, and are constantly updated. It also provides an open framework to create and automate red and purple teaming by generating penetration scenarios and advanced attack campaigns tailored to their unique environments and security policies.



Defendify is a comprehensive cybersecurity platform that offers tools for threat detection, response, policy management, and employee training to enhance organizational security.



Pentera is an app for Automated Security Validation that helps organizations test and improve their cybersecurity by identifying and addressing vulnerabilities.

Picus Security

Picus Security

Prioritize critical issues across siloed data sources, validate exposures in real-time, and deploy one-click mitigations to close gaps fast.



Validato is a continuous security validation platform that uses safe-to-use in production Breach & Attack Simulations, simulating offensive cyber attack methods to test and validate security control configurations.

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Top Breach and Attack Simulation (BAS) Software - United States - WebCatalog