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Top Assessment Software - United States

Assessment software allows educators to create and administer tests digitally, using devices like computers, smartphones, and tablets. These platforms simplify the process of delivering exams, grading responses, and analyzing results. They are utilized by various educational institutions, including K-12 schools and universities, as well as corporate HR teams, certification bodies, and other organizations that require assessments. With assessment software, instructors can design different types of questions within the platform or choose from a library of pre-made questions. Assessments can be delivered to students via a portal or mobile app and graded automatically once they complete the test. While many assessment software products focus on traditional tests and quizzes, some also provide alternative evaluation methods, such as collecting live responses from students or allowing them to create ePortfolios for instructors to review.

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Kahoot! Create

Kahoot! Create

Create your own kahoots and learn something new! Kahoot! brings the magic of learning for students, teachers, office superheroes, trivia fans and lifelong learners. Kahoot! is a game-based learning platform that brings engagement and fun to 1+ billion players every year at school, at work, and at home. Sign up for free!



Gradescope is the paper-to-digital grading platform that dramatically improves grading and feedback workflows, offers flexible assessment solutions, and provides valuable insights. Only Gradescope supports digital grading workflows for paper-based assessment while integrating AI-assisted grading and systematic answer grouping to eliminate redundant steps from the grading process.



Mentimeter is the audience engagement platform. Easy-to-use, interactive, and innovative; presenting has never been less stressful and more effortless! Create unique and dynamic presentations that will impress and engage your audience. With Mentimeter you can better connect with your students, colleagues, and clients. No matter if it is a lecture, workshop or meeting, Mentimeter has been designed to suit every type of presentation. Zoom and Teams integrations make it even easier to stand out in the remote and hybrid world. 1.Build a presentation: The easy-to-use online editor makes presentation building a quick and easy process. Create a full slide deck filled with questions, polls, quizzes, content slides, word clouds, and more. 2. Connect with your audience: Your audience uses their smartphones to connect to the presentation where they can submit responses. The real-time visual will help spark chat, discuss, and debate no matter if the meeting takes place online or in-person. 3. Learn from the experience: Once the presentation is over, download the results and use what you have learned to improve for future meetings, classes or conferences.



Use the Quizizz app to learn anything, anywhere. You can study on your own or engage in group quizzes, assignments, and presentations—in person and remotely. Quizizz is used by more than 20 million people per month in schools, homes, and offices around the world.



Seesaw is trusted and loved by 25 million educators, students, and families worldwide and is the only elementary Learning Experience Platform that offers a suite of award-winning tools, resources, and curriculum for teachers to deliver joyful, inclusive instruction. Through interactive lessons, digital portfolios, and two-way communication features, Seesaw keeps everyone in the learning loop by providing continuous visibility into the student's learning experience to support and celebrate their learning.

Socrative Teacher

Socrative Teacher

Engage, assess and personalize your class with Socrative! Educators can initiate formative assessments through quizzes, quick question polls, exit tickets and space races all with their Socrative Teacher app. Socrative will instantly grade, aggregate and provide visuals of results to help you identify opportunities for further instruction. Save time and visualize student understanding when it matters, now! To get started using Socrative, simply register for a Socrative Teacher account. Your Socrative account will work with other Socrative Apps and via all browsers. Students can connect to your unique room by opening their apps or joining your room on Socrative from any device. - Visualize student understanding - Ask multiple choice and true/false questions - Ask open-ended questions and vote on the results - Create your own quizzes (instantly graded for you) - Share quizzes with other teachers - Give end of class exit tickets - Play games with our space race! - View students results in real time - Reporting - Download, Email or send to Drive

Socrative Student

Socrative Student

Students share their understanding by answering formative assessment questions in a variety of formats: quizzes, quick question polls, exit tickets and space races. Once students launch the Socrative Student App, they'll be prompted to join the teacher's room via the teacher's unique code. No student accounts necessary! - Visualize student and whole class understanding - Multiple choice and True/False questions - Open-ended questions and vote on the results - End of class Exit Tickets - Play games with our Space Race! - Class, Question and Student level reports



Nearpod offers an interactive instructional platform that merges real-time formative assessment and dynamic media for live and self-paced learning experiences inside and outside of the classroom. Nearpod works with any classroom technology, from tablets and smartphones to laptops and Chromebooks. The platform helps engage students with more than 15,000 ready-to-run interactive lessons, videos, and activities created in partnership with leading organizations like Common Sense Education and Smithsonian. In 2019, Nearpod acquired Flocabulary, a learning platform that engages students in academically rigorous K–12 concepts while promoting literacy through hip-hop videos. Together, Nearpod and Flocabulary reach educators in 100 of the largest school districts in the US. In 2018, Nearpod was named EdTech Digest’s Company of the Year.

Poll Everywhere

Poll Everywhere

Poll Everywhere is a privately held company headquartered in San Francisco, California. The company, founded in April 2007 is an online service for classroom response and audience response systems. Poll Everywhere's product allows audiences and classrooms in over 100 countries to use mobile phones, thereby "plotting the obsolescence" of proprietary hardware response devices otherwise known as clickers. The company raised $20,000 in venture funding from Y Combinator in 2008.



Learning, Inspired. Engage every learner, anywhere with the most comprehensive solution for video recording and streaming, video content management, audience engagement, content creation, and assessments. Get Inspired Now DIFFERENT CHALLENGES, SAME GOALS. Whether you are in education, business or government, the changing learning environment has made engaging your learners more challenging than ever- and...



FlexiQuiz is a powerful online test generator that enables you to create engaging online quizzes, tests, or exams in minutes. Choose from 100's of features to create a customized quiz that meets your objectives for business, education, or fun.



Your Teaching Partner now with AI. At Toddle, we are revolutionising the way teachers work. With Toddle AI, we are taking a giant leap forward in our commitment to provide all teachers with the tools they need to deliver progressive, future-ready education.



Content Aligned To National & State Standard, Flexible To Support Relevant Curriculum. Find the Perfect Piece Of Content For Lessons. Go beyond the book.



The Best Quiz Maker for Business & Education. ClassMarker's secure, professional web-based Quiz maker is an easy-to-use, customizable online testing solution for business, training & educational assessments with Tests & Quizzes graded instantly, saving hours of paperwork!



Wooclap is an interactive platform that maximises the possibility for smartphones and computers to become exceptional learning tools that make learning awesome and effective.It was developed in collaboration with neuroscientists, course technologists, and teachers to maximise information retention and enhance learning during lectures, whether in a classroom or remotely. There is no app to download, nothing to install: students use a link to connect to the platform on their smartphone, tablet, or computer, and answer questions online or by SMS text. Wooclap is compatible with all teaching models (traditional, synchronous, asynchronous, distance, hybrid, HyFlex...) and integrates with many tools that teachers use on a daily basis (PowerPoint, Google Slides, Genially, Canvas, Microsoft Teams...). This means they can use Wooclap’s many question-types and features within their existing Virtual Learning Environment (VLE).



ExamSoft is dedicated to providing your program, faculty, and exam-takers with a secure, digital assessment platform that produces actionable data for improved outcomes. * Executive Thoughts - Hear from the ExamSoft leadership team as they share insights on a variety of topics. * Events & Webinars - Check out our webinars & events where we cover a wide variety of assessment-related topics. * Pedagogo Podcast- Tune in as we talk to experts about assessment, strategies for student success, and more.



Experience Australia’s top school management system. Created by educators for educators and powered by Microsoft, Sentral provides an extensive education software solution for schools



Vevox is a real-time polling and anonymous Q&A platform for employee engagement. Rated number 1 by our users across Trustpilot, G2, and Capterra, Vevox makes virtual and hybrid meetings unmissable by providing participants, wherever they are located, the opportunity to have an equal say. Participants can freely interact by using the Vevox App to answer polls or contribute to Q&A’s through their smartphones or laptops. Giving your staff a voice and hearing their feedback has never been easier. What makes it so good? Vevox is the most intuitive employee engagement technology there is, with user friendly features that have been fine-tuned in partnership with customers just like you. Vevox users say their hybrid comms meetings have been transformed. Getting started is quick and easy and the platform can run independently as a standalone tool, or seamlessly integrates with your existing meeting tech, including Microsoft Teams, Zoom, PowerPoint and other technologies, offering a one-stop solution to running successful and engaging hybrid meetings. Make your meetings more interactive, democratic – and more fun!



Unlock the potential of your PDF documents with PDFQuiz, the leading PDF to quiz converter. Effortlessly convert PDF to quiz with our AI quiz generator and AI test maker. Ideal for educators, trainers, content creators, recruiters, and HR managers, PDFQuiz turns static content into engaging, interactive quizzes. Our platform streamlines the process, ensuring a seamless, efficient, and effective conversion from PDF to quiz. Experience the power of our AI-generated quiz tools and question generator from PDF. Elevate your content and make learning more dynamic with PDFquiz.



Kritik is a peer-grading platform that distributes fair and accurate assessments by harnessing collective intelligence to simplify workflows and reduce turnaround time on feedback. Through the AI-powered, calibrated peer-assessment platform, students anonymously provide regular constructive criticism on their peers' work which increases course engagement levels and improves academic performance. Kritik’s peer-assessment process enables students to reach higher-order thinking skills by leveraging the stages of Bloom’s Taxonomy (a hierarchical structure for cognitive learning and capitalizing on the process of learning by teaching) while developing critical lifelong learning skills. By using Kritik, instructors and teaching assistants also save time on grading and other administrative tasks which empowers them to focus more on coaching their students.



Codio gives you everything you need to deliver engaging CS courses that improve learning outcomes. Boost student performance, increase satisfaction and drive better learning outcomes. Codio works with leading educational institutions, large enterprises, and non-profit organizations, supporting hundreds of thousands of learners a year. Codio combines editable, interactive courseware with a flexible, cloud-based platform that's accessible from any device. As a result, Codio enables students to take the abstract concepts of CS and apply them more tangibly. Codio's curricular resources present instructional material in smaller units that are more manageable for students. The same vocabulary and concepts are covered but in a more approachable way. Tools like code visualizer let students see how their code works “under-the-hood.” Each element of the Codio platform is designed to allow instructors to facilitate better learning outcomes for students with rich, automated feedback and a hands-on learning environment. For example, lecturers at Coventry University found that the average student's grade increased several points and that 84% of students responded positively to the use of Codio, and overall course satisfaction rose from 81% to 89% of students being satisfied. Codio supports both manual and auto-grading practices. You can use any of Codio’s hundreds of customizable auto-graded assessments or create your own. All grading methods are fed back to instructor dashboards. In addition, we support gradebook passback to LMS platforms such as Canvas, Blackboard, or Moodle, saving you even more time. There's no need to worry about connecting with your IT department to help set up your class with Codio. Our online IDE and cloud-based infrastructure are easily accessible to anyone with an internet connection, including your students.



Everything you need to engage your audience is here. And it's so easy to use. Involve your participants with live polls. Crowdsource the best questions and ideas from your audience. Excite your class with some quiz competition. Win your audience's full attention and deliver rockstar performances on stage. AhaSlides requires no credit card to sign up. Free users have unlimited questions, full access to all slide types.



Easily create tests for your class, business or organization. Distribute your tests online and get the results instantly. Testmoz does all the grading for you.



Unstop (Formerly Dare2Compete) Unstop (formally Dare2Compete) provides opportunities to students and professionals across all domains to engage with institutes and companies by participating and competing in intellectual gamified engagements like Innovation and Case Challenges, Hackathons, Quizzes, Business Simulations, etc. to showcase their talent and get hired, recognized, and rewarded.



Crowdmark is a collaborative online grading and analytics platform. Crowdmark lets you use your existing paper assessments and assignments. Generate and print exam booklets with features like multiple choice or create assignment questions and distribute them to students. Leave rich feedback with flexible grading tools and share frequently-used comments with your team. Grades can be returned to students online, instantly.



A comprehensive outcome and skill-based assessment management platform for K-12, Higher-Ed and Wide-scale Assessments. SwiftAssess works by orchestrating and managing the entire process of Authoring, Delivering and Tracking assessments of all types and schemes including Tests, Assignments, Practical Evaluations, Surveys, etc… and bringing unique solutions to each segment with respect to real-world scenarios (connectivity, devices, security, standardization, automation, business intelligence, and more). From a single campus model, to a nationwide assessment deployment - SwiftAssess offers the right set of instruments to cover the necessary workloads. GamaLearn is now GDPR compliant, for more information please visit:



Redink is an Award-Winning Classroom Management app designed for new generation teachers and institutions that helps them save time on manual tasks and at the same time improve students' outcomes easily. We Specialize in Automating teachers' Manual mark entry process and allowing them to collaborate with their fellow teachers in a single place which saves their time effectively. Our Unified Reports with multiple export options help teachers to easily identify students who are at risk and also take immediate action to put the student back on track. Start using the app in under 2 minutes.



Quizify is a online quiz builder that help you to make lead generation, education and fun interactive quizzes for your business in minutes. Try it now!



Classtime is a solution for teachers that complements in-class teaching with immediate feedback on students’ level of understanding. Create great questions, engage everyone, improve understanding. No registration required to see how it works! - For students, available in 22 languages (Albanian, Bulgarian, Chinese (Simplified), Croatian, Czech, Dutch, English, Estonian, Finnish, French, German, Japanese, Kazakh, Italian, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, Thai, Turkish, Ukrainian). - For teachers, available in 17 languages (Albanian, Croatian, Czech, Dutch, English, Estonian, French, German, Japanese, Italian, Kazakh, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, Thai, Turkish, Ukrainian) - No student registration required: students simply join by entering a code and providing a name! - Teacher-paced: show and hide single questions and solutions as needed! - Shuffle options: Shuffle questions and answers to decrease the possibility of cheating! - Session Timing options: schedule your session or set time for session length - Use 'Collaborative Challenges' that allow you to project fun and dynamic narratives that unfold as your students answer correctly during sessions. - Create different tech-enabled Question Types: Multiple Choice, Checkboxes, True or False, Categorizer (Multiple Choice), Categorizer (Checkboxes), Sorting, Highlight Text, Hotspot, and Free Text Answer! - Browse through more than 50,000 standards-aligned questions from our Public Library and import them to your Library with a single click. This includes subjects such as math, physics, chemistry, biology, health & medicine, world and US history, art history, English grammar, and much more. For free. - See students responses in real-time, giving immediate insight on student performance - Organize, duplicate, and merge your Questions into Questions Sets as needed - absolute flexibility! - Create Classes: Classes will help you organize your students and sessions better. It enables you to organize your Classtime sessions by subject and invite all of your students to a Session with one click. You can also invite co-teachers to support. - Google Classroom integration to import classes with student roster, post assignments, and push back scores. - Communicate with your students via our 1-on-1 teacher-student live chat during a session. - Add as much additional information to your questions as needed; no limit! - Include mathematics notation in your Questions with LaTeX support! - Include images and YouTube videos in your Questions - by upload or URL. - Include audio records to your questions - by upload. - Export your student's results, or review them in the application any time! - Save time with automated scoring: simply assign a point value to each question and let us do the work for you - Get auto-generated Excel and PDF reports to share with students, parents, or school leadership. - Remove students from sessions, if needed.



Literably is a reading assessment for K-8 students that identifies A-Z reading levels, diagnoses skill gaps, screens students for reading difficulties, and monitors progress. Our web and iOS apps record a running record of students reading out loud into a device, along with several comprehension questions and a short retell



Gradeazy is a vernacular testing platform that helps businesses and educational institutes conduct stress-free affordable online exams. With its advanced and super-intuitive platform, Gradeazy helps recruiters with a multi-dimensional candidate analysis, application source performance tracking and much more. With white-labelling and API integrations, Gradeazy is an ideal choice for existing edtech, skill-tech and HR Tech products to not reinvent the wheel of assessment and have a market ready product integrated within their solution. Apart from being completely mobile responsive, Gradeazy also provides advanced proctoring, internet fluctuation handling during the test, support for 25+ languages with option to dictate and type, support for audio, video and coding questions, and much more.



While the value of a highly-skilled workforce is undeniable, only 25% of executives believe training measurably improves business performance. So it's clear—how we evaluate and train our people does not align with the realities and expectations of today's business world. To drive more ROI from L&D efforts, learning professionals need to ensure they're training the right people with the right skills in the right way. That's why leading companies use Capsim's inbox simulation platform: CapsimInbox. This new simulation-based assessment technology allows organizations to pinpoint soft skills gaps, improve learning transfer, and measure training impact. Inbox simulations are context-rich experiences that use a familiar and flexible email environment to immerse learners in authentic scenarios and objectively assess the skills that matter most—like critical thinking, communication, and collaboration. Just as drills and scrimmages provide coaches with a game-like environment to evaluate and train their athletes, the CapsimInbox platform provides L&D professionals with a real-world business environment to find and fix their company's critical skills gaps. And here's the best part: With its powerful no-code authoring tool, CapsimInbox democratizes custom sim-based training. Businesses can quickly, easily, and affordably create an authentic inbox simulation that mirrors a day on the job at their company. Inbox simulations are backed by science and validated as one of the best predictors of job performance. Talent management teams around the globe use inbox simulations for a variety of use cases: - Talent Assessment - Talent Acquisition - Succession Planning - Leadership Development - Onboarding & Compliance



SimplifiedIQ is an AI-driven SaaS platform designed for creating and auto grading online assessments. Globally trusted across various industries, SimplifiedIQ offers a suite of features including prerequisite, multi-categorization, level tags, question generation, learning outcome tag, customized feedback, and detailed analytics & reporting. SimplifiedIQ streamlines the entire assessment workflow, accommodating a wide range of use cases such as quizzes, exams, assignments & homework, certification tests, recruitment assessments, corporate & internal training evaluations. With seamless integration capabilities, SimplifiedIQ ensures smooth and secure data flows within your existing application(s). As an advocate for online assessment to reduce environmental impact, SimplifiedIQ is eco friendly—supporting efforts to save trees. Benefits: Question generator: Reduce the time spent on question creation by using our AI-powered question generation, which automatically crafts high-quality, relevant questions that align with your curriculum. Automatic grading: Achieve consistent, fair, and unbiased grading with our automatic grading system, which significantly reduces grading time and effort. Our sophisticated algorithms accurately grade various question types, from code challenge to open-ended responses, to multiple-choice, offering instant feedback. Prerequisite: Progressive learning has never been easier. Set your members up for success—allowing them take one assessment at a time. Learning outcome: Sharing students’ performance with stakeholders has been made easy by tagging individual questions to one or more learning outcomes helping you gain proper insights into students strengths and areas of improvement Level tags: Data-driven placements fully enhanced. Place members within their appropriate level to ensure peer-to-peer growth and development. Multi-categorization: Save time, resources, and increase efficiency by reducing duplication. You can create assessments that can be used within one or more categories and levels, helping you gather the right insight across multiple categories. Monitoring & Security: We built integrity and secure testing environments by employing sophisticated monitoring tools and security protocols to prevent cheating and unauthorized access. Reporting: Effective reporting transforms raw data into a strategic asset. SimplifiedIQ takes this to the next level by offering comprehensive, intuitive, and valuable reports. These reports are not merely informational; they are tools that drive decision-making, foster transparency, and catalyze the achievement of your organizational goals. Integration: Streamline your workflows and reduce administrative burdens with our seamless integration capabilities. SimplifiedIQ connects effortlessly with a wide range of educational tools and systems, ensuring smooth data transfer and interoperability.



Digiexam is a reliable online exam platform built to manage the entire exam workflow and drive adoption through its ease of use, on-campus and remote. We support 900+ modern educators worldwide in digitalizing their exam process to improve academic integrity, operational efficiency and student experience. Digiexam was founded in Stockholm, Sweden in 2011 and consists of a growing multinational team.



Nexam is a 360° solution for students or talents assessment process: from design to correction in a secure writing environment. The Nexam web platform makes it possible to design, administer and mark secure exams online, in the classroom or remotely. With its flexible parameters, Nexam adapts to the needs of organizations by offering different types of exams and levels of monitoring. Go digital and streamline your evaluation process with our user-friendly and secure web-based platform which is specifically designed to manage and grade online exams. Even the most complex evaluations pass the test with Nexam!



YouScience offers the only career guidance for students that's based on aptitudes to align students with in-demand careers and CTE certifications.



TestInvite is specialized online assessment software designed to empower organizations to create custom assessments secured with anti-cheating safeguards and systematically randomized questions for each test-taker. These assessments are delivered online natively without requiring any app or extension installation, ensuring they are fair, comprehensive, and balanced. Additionally, TestInvite produces customizable reports with valuable insights. TestInvite also offers a Talent Library, which allows organizations to use our pre-employment skill-based tests to evaluate potential hires effectively. This feature provides a comprehensive solution for organizations seeking reliable and affordable web-based online assessments.



Sibme improves the way professionals learn at work. We help teams build cultures of continuous improvement. Sibme’s Learning Engagement Platform powers professional development through virtual- and hybrid-coaching, peer-to-peer collaboration, cohort-based professional learning communities, and micro-credentials. Sibme works with more than 1,000 innovative schools, districts, and institutions–including Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, ASCD, Scholastic, the University of Texas, and Houston Independent School District. Sibme is designed by teachers. From K-12 and higher education to corporate learning & development, educators trust us to encourage critical conversations about real work, using real tools, with real people -- from anywhere at any time. Sibme’s Learning Engagement Platform embeds practice and collaboration in every workday, engaging employees while building a stronger community of learners. Sibme encourages teams to more frequently and authentically discuss the work, the challenges and, ultimately, the opportunities to maximize capacity through real-world experience.



Testportal is an easy test maker designed to save time and give actionable insights when conducting online assessments. It is loaded with practical features, such as automatic question grading and offers in-depth test results for particular test respondents as well as whole groups. Testportal is available as a stand-alone web as well as Microsoft Teams app, where it enable test owners to further increase results reliability with live camera feed monitoring. To allow testing various skills and knowledge, Testportal features: - advanced question content creation, - question drawing algorithms, - time measurement, - affordable, all-round test supervision, - detailed results analyses, test statistics and other actionable insights.



Dugga is the world leading AI-powered assessment platform for all types of Tests, Exams, and Assignments for K-12, Higher Education and Corporate Education. The platform is easy-to-use, gives maximum security that prevents students from cheating. Dugga is the Microsoft preferred solution and Google Education Specialist and is used in 100+ countries. Born out of scientific research, Dugga revolutionizes the entire assessment process, providing a seamless end-to-end solution for educators.



OpExams makes creating, administering, and grading exams easy and headache free, and provides you with actionable insights to improve the performance of your students and institute.



Pointerpro is a software platform to create online assessments that automatically generate personalized reports. Discover why consultants and companies like Capgemini, EDF, and Bare International automate the delivery of personalized advice with Pointerpro. Whether the goal is to scale your business, generate leads, or save time through automation, Pointerpro makes things easier for you. We integrate with all your favorite apps and send collected data wherever you want. We're ISO 27001:2022 certified! This certification underscores Pointerpro's dedication to meeting global benchmarks and instilling confidence and trust in the reliability and security of its services. Book your demo today!



PrepAI is an AI-based question-generation solution that assists in the creation and customization of question papers. Using the state of the art AI algorithms, PrepAI swiftly generates quizzes and online tests. It additionally offers a feature to assess the critical thinking power of students by generating questions based on Bloom's Taxonomy levels. With a straightforward and user-friendly dashboard, tests can be conducted effortlessly, and auto-grading system simplifies the evaluative aspects of the process. A unique feature of PrepAI is its ability to create questions that stimulate High Order Thinking Skills (HOTS), adding a rigorous edge to the assessments. Users can input content in various forms such as text, document files like PDFs and MS Word, Videos, and YouTube URLs for generating questions. It generates multiple types of questions, including multiple-choice questions, fill-in-the-blanks, true/false, descriptive, and HOTS based questions assessing critical thinking, problem-solving, and evaluative skills. Automatic grading, ease of generating practice tests, and possibilities to create multiple sets of question papers make learning smoother and more efficient. Overall, PrepAI is changing the assessment landscape by offering a smarter, faster, and convenient way for conducting tests, saving time, and resources for teachers, students, and Ed-Tech professionals.



Education as a service comprises great responsibilities & complexities of tasks. An Education ecosystem is collectively a gamut of institution promoters, principals, teachers, the administration staff, students, and parents. For the education establishments across the world seeking to increase efficiency, value offering & size, EdPrime, an “All-in-one Education Management SuperSoftware” offers research-driven intelligent technology & multi-layered management expertise to empower the entire education ecosystem and drive improved outcomes (results) for all stakeholders. EDPRIME is specifically designed to cater all functions of an education ecosystem. From HR, Administration, Online Admission Management, Accounting, Payroll Management, Fee Collection, Online Learning, Parent-School Communication to Attendance, Student Performance Assessment, Transport & Alumni Management, the robust EdPrime Software transforms the complex education institute management to simple & efficient day to day operations.



GoReact simplifies skills-based learning by providing more chances to practice, reflect and evaluate progress using the power of video. With personalized feedback and AI-enabled tools, GoReact promotes continuous learning that transforms potential into mastery. Academic institutions and companies worldwide use GoReact to enable skill development to happen anytime, anywhere. See how GoReact helps all learners build skills for a brighter future. GoReact has been honored with numerous awards and recognitions in the education and technology arena for its innovative platform. - Tech Edvocate Award: GoReact received the Tech Edvocate Award for the Best Professional Development App or Tool category. This award recognizes outstanding contributions in education technology. - EdTech Digest Cool Tool Award: GoReact was named a winner in the EdTech Digest Cool Tool Awards many times. This award recognizes outstanding products and services in education technology. - SIIA CODiE Awards: GoReact was a finalist for the SIIA CODiE Awards, which honor excellence and innovation in software, information, and education technology. - EdSurge's Readers' Choice Awards: GoReact was recognized as a finalist in the EdSurge's Readers' Choice Awards, which highlights products and services that educators find valuable in enhancing teaching and learning experiences. - Utah Innovation Awards: GoReact received recognition in the Utah Innovation Awards, which celebrate Utah-based companies that have developed breakthroughs in various industries, including technology and education. - Tech&Learning Best of Show: GoReact was recognized as one of a handful of companies at the K12 educational technology conference, ISTELive23, that best supported innovation in K12 classrooms and school districts. - e-Assessment Best Formative Assessment Award. GoReact was recognized as a winner in this category for demonstrating the value that its technology can bring to high quality assessment.



We provide cutting-edge, evidence-based learning systems to facilitate language learning through student agency.



Create Awesome Assessments In a Flash. Powered by AI, and brought to you by Mote Technologies, Conker is your number one online quiz creator.

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