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Top Alumni Management Software - United States

Alumni management software facilitates connections between companies and educational institutions and their alumni. These solutions assist in managing alumni contact information and organizing events. Alumni relations teams, higher education administrators, and company recruiters can leverage this software to create networking opportunities that enhance their recruitment and engagement strategies. Some alumni management tools are tailored specifically for companies, allowing recruiters and HR managers to cultivate alumni networks as a source of potential hires. These solutions provide access to a pool of qualified graduates and their contact information, making it easier to host events, maintain connections, and organize recruiting sessions. On the other hand, certain alumni management products are designed for higher education institutions. These tools help alumni engagement staff coordinate fundraising and donation initiatives, fostering ongoing relationships with alumni. By enhancing communication and collaboration, these solutions strengthen the institution's community, creating more opportunities for business ideas, job placements, and ultimately encouraging more student enrollment.

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ToucanTech is a sophisticated cloud-based software solution specially developed to manage and grow alumni communities. Designed for schools, universities, and companies of all sizes, ToucanTech gives organizations the power to manage all alumni and/or community relations in one complete, centralized platform. Synced with social media and integrated with customer management relationship (CRM) and other features such as mentoring, fundraising, news, events, and more, ToucanTouch enables you to save time and money with its stellar system that seamlessly manages data and tasks across multiple applications. Integrates with: Paypal Stripe GoCardless Facebook Linkedin Google Twitter Instagram SDS Archives Wonde OpenID



GiveCampus is the world's #1 fundraising platform for non-profit educational institutions. Trusted by millions of donors and more than 1,300 colleges, universities, and K-12 schools, our mission is to advance the quality, the affordability, and the accessibility of education. We provide software, services, and expertise that help schools raise more money, from more people, at a fraction of the cost of other fundraising methods. Since 2015, our platform has facilitated more than $5 billion in charitable giving.



Empower participants and drive measurable results with Insala's comprehensive mentoring solution. Get support where you need it - our solutions consist of consulting, training, and mentoring software. We have 25+ years of experience working with clients in many industries. Trusted by US Bank, Societe Generalle, Open University, Channel 4, Nestle Purina, Ralph Lauren and more. Harness the power of your mentoring program with a solution tailored to fit the unique needs of your organization.



Graduate Network is a powerful software for the forward-thinking organizers. It's a private networking platform with online payment solution. It helps the forward-thinking organizers and managers to save time & effort while doing fundraising, organizing events, collecting membership fees, managing membership directory, helping members with mentoring and offering jobs.



EverTrue’s data, software, & services empower advancement teams to create personal experiences for donors. 100s of organizations fuel fundraising by identifying and reaching more donors via EverTrue’s social, wealth, interest, and career data sources and engagement software. EverTrue solutions include ThankView, the top personal video platform for fundraisers; Pledgemine, which delivers smarter, personalized direct mail; and Fundriver, the leading endowed fund accounting and reporting software.


Boomerangs is a corporate alumni management platform which enables the companies to engage their ex-employees and convert them into their brand advocates. A unique differentiator for boomerangs is that it allows the company to source CVs for open jobs from its alumni and provide monetary rewards for successful referrals.



Embrk is a behavioral health aftercare automation software. We are on a mission to help treatment centers build lasting and authentic connection and to ensure sobriety and healthy living for the alumni while also improving insurance reimbursement rates, readmission rates, and alumni referrals for the treatment center.

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Top Alumni Management Software - United States - WebCatalog