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Top ALM Software Suites - United States

Application lifecycle management (ALM) software suites facilitate the development of software applications from initial conception to final delivery. These suites create a collaborative ecosystem where users can work together and complete tasks to create or enhance software. ALM suites establish processes for designing, testing, deploying, and managing software applications, offering integrated features for development, quality testing, requirements management, and project management. Different departments can utilize ALM suites throughout the software creation process: developers during the creation phase, and product managers or quality assurance supervisors for monitoring post-deployment. ALM suites are applicable to a variety of software projects and support employees in various roles throughout the development lifecycle. They often integrate with or share features of project management tools, and may include or connect with design and development software such as integrated development environments (IDEs) or prototyping tools.

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Cisco Spaces is a cloud platform that connects people & things with spaces to transform buildings into smart spaces. Using the power of Cisco devices as sensors (Catalyst, Meraki, Webex) and the Spaces ecosystem, the platform aims to make buildings safe, smart, sustainable, and seamless. Cisco Spaces harnesses the power of Cisco hardware and sensors (Catalyst, Meraki, Webex) making buildings safe, smart and sustainable with seamless people experiences.



PubNub is used by software development teams as part of a modern application stack to power features that require real-time communication and collaboration between users, at any scale. PubNub makes it easy to build experiences like chat apps, digital whiteboards, real-time dashboards with live updates, maps with live location overlays, and many other features that rely on real-time updates and instant communication. What makes us different? ~Scalability~ PubNub is the industry’s most scalable platform that allows for rapid concurrent usage without financial penalties. Because we allow for an unlimited number of concurrent users, you’ll never have to worry about exponential cost increases due to growth. * Handles over 800 million active devices and over 3 trillion API calls delivered monthly. * Record for the largest online concurrent event with more than 10.5 million users * One connected fitness client stated, “From testing to 1,500 rides a day today, to an estimated 15,000 rides a day in the coming months, we’re confident PubNub can handle that growth.”



Workspace is an application packaging tool that enables you to discover (create installation documentation), package and test applications in your browser regardless of VPN's or specific skills. The tool integrates your workflow with the packaging environment and a toolset for MSI, MSIX, App-V and Intunewin formats. You can edit, deploy and repackage them with a click of a button. Our solution allows you to work with multiple applications simultaneously and use one packaging Workspace without thousands of settings and not user-friendly interfaces. Apptimized provides access to clean virtual machines where you can package and test application packages across the different Oss and ensure it is compliant to your software environment. Free 24/5 support chat from application packaging specialist is included.



Ably solves the most complex and demanding aspects of realtime engineering, making it easy for developers to power and scale realtime apps like chat, multiplayer games, realtime GPS location updates, IoT device control, and more. To do this, we provide cloud infrastructure and APIs that help developers stream data between devices in realtime. Ably's APIs expose the entire Ably infrastructure via standardized programmatic interfaces and include scalable Pub/Sub channels. Our APIs include built-in user presence and message history and stream over open protocols like WebSockets, MQTT, and SSE. In addition, our APIs push data to clouds or environments outside Ably’s network so you can trigger existing business logic and events and provide native push notifications using APNS and GCM. All of this is built on Ably's Data Stream Network, which consists of two things: our cloud network and realtime messaging fabric. Ably's network consists of over 16+ geographically-distributed core routing datacenters and 176+ edge acceleration points-of-presence, with median global roundtrip latencies of 65ms. At the heart of this sits our realtime messaging fabric, which solves hard realtime engineering problems such as message ordering, guaranteed delivery, data replication, idempotent publishing, and more. With over 40 Client Library SDKs and native support for more than six realtime protocols, getting started for any use case is fast and simple. Our free plan includes 6 million messages per month and up to 200 peak connections and channels - enough for any curious developer to get started.



Progress (Nasdaq: PRGS) provides software that enables organizations to develop and deploy their mission-critical applications and experiences, as well as effectively manage their data platforms, cloud and IT infrastructure. As an experienced, trusted provider, we make the lives of technology professionals easier. Over 4 million developers and technologists at hundreds of thousands of enterprises depend on Progress. Learn more at, and follow us on LinkedIn, YouTube, Twitter, Facebook and Instagram.

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Top ALM Software Suites - United States - WebCatalog