Koinly is a cryptocurrency calculator trusted by crypto investors in over 20 countries. Koinly integrates with 700+ exchanges, blockchains, and wallets to give investors an easy and accurate way to track their crypto transactions in one place. From here, Koinly calculates the total capital gains and income an investor has derived from their crypto in any financial year.
Meet Composer, the automated trading platform and investment app. Discover your potential investing based on data and logic with Composer.
Remove the complexity of working with digital assets. Thousands of crypto, web3, and digital asset businesses use Fireblocks software and APIs to custody, manage treasury operations, access DeFi, mint & burn tokens, and manage their digital asset operations.
CoinRabbit is an instant cryptocurrency lending service without credit checks, monthly payments, and maximum loan sizes. It has one of the smallest APR rates (5%) and a special monitoring system of every loan status tracking. Users can borrow crypto loans for unlimited time periods and start with a low minimum loan amount.
Orqestra allows businesses to automatically convert a portion of their cash flow into bitcoin. You can transfer the bitcoin to an external wallet or convert back your funds to USD at any time. Orqestra integrates with Stripe, Paypal, Square, Quickbooks, Xero and other popular payment providers.
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