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Top Public Records Management Software - United States

Public records management software helps government agencies store, organize, and digitize public records, often to support Freedom of Information (FOI) requests from citizens. Common records include land documents, marriage licenses, birth and death certificates, and legal contracts. These solutions automate workflows to route record requests to the appropriate departments, regardless of how the request is submitted, and manage payment processing. They also ensure the privacy and security of sensitive information by redacting documents to prevent the disclosure of confidential details. Typically, these platforms offer a public-facing portal for citizens to search records and submit requests, with the ability to track the status of their requests from submission to completion. Internally, these systems provide government agencies with similar functions to enterprise information archiving software. Since 2020, federal agencies in the U.S. are required to manage all records electronically, making public records management systems essential for many government bodies. These tools allow agencies to upload and store records digitally, with indexing features for quick retrieval to respond to requests. They also maintain audit trails to track who accessed records and when. Most systems include reporting and analytics features to monitor performance metrics and identify trends in record requests.

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Top Public Records Management Software - United States - WebCatalog