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Top Multi-level Marketing (MLM) Software - United States

Multi-level marketing (MLM) software, also referred to as direct selling software or party plan software, facilitates the operational aspects of direct sales companies and their distributors throughout the sales and marketing processes. Multi-level marketing constitutes a form of network marketing wherein autonomous distributors earn compensation for selling a company’s products or services directly to consumers. Commonly marketed products within MLMs encompass cosmetics, health foods, and household goods. Within the MLM framework, distributors are prompted to enlist new distributors from their personal connections, forming what is termed their "downline." Compensation within this structure is twofold: distributors earn from their own direct sales and additionally receive commissions based on the sales generated by their downline. While multi-level marketing remains a legal business model, certain MLM enterprises have been labeled as pyramid schemes. Notably, pyramid schemes are unlawful in numerous jurisdictions, including but not limited to the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, India, and Australia.

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Penny AI

Penny AI

Penny exponentially increases revenue via the duplicatable field experience consultants & leaders demand while providing you with the data and insights at the pace of innovation you need. Penny is designed to help sales consultants interact with customers and automate sales workflows using artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning technology. It enables marketing and sales teams to calculate churn rates, monitor market trends, and identify opportunities to optimize customer engagement

Infinite MLM Software

Infinite MLM Software

Infinite MLM software is unified solution for all type of MLM business plans like binary, matrix, uni-level or any other compensation plans.



Pamtree is a free business platform and MLM App, created just for network marketing professionals. Instead of lugging a heavy binder around or spending countless hours chained to your desk, you can download one simple app and see what it really means to work ‘flexibly’. Manage contacts, create to-do lists, track customer and business activity, send and receive prospect messages, all at the tap of a button. It’s as easy to use as Facebook — just download and go! Pamtree can be used on mobile, desktop and tablet devices, so no matter where you are or how you like to work, your business information is always waiting right at your fingertips.

Integrated MLM

Integrated MLM

Automate your MLM business with our multi-level marketing software. Experience its integrated MLM Software with Super App for all platforms. Integrated MLM Software and Super App offers the world's first MLM super app solution along with MLM Software, providing a single, seamless experience across iOS, Android, web, and admin platforms. This software ensures ease of use and affordability for your network marketing business. The Integrated MLM Software and Super App, developed by expert team, are ideal for managing all aspects of your MLM operations. It offers Binary, Unilevel, and Matrix compensation plans, along with custom solutions. With features like lead generation, networking, and profit optimization, this software allows you to manage your business effortlessly from any device.

Business MLM Software

Business MLM Software

One of the leading MLM software blends with modern technology. Being cost-effective, it offers a new level of the enterprise. Business MLM software is integrated MLM software that is able to provide all kinds of MLM plans. Business MLM software is a specially designed tool to boost your network marketing business. It handles everything from managing and tracking sales to optimizing a wide range of compensation plans. Business MLM software acts as a centralized platform that enables effective communication and collaboration between team members. It offers affordable MLM services to all types of businesses and provides high-quality customized services. Business MLM software is capable of understanding your business needs and helping you with effective solutions. It has advanced features including multilingual support, an advanced reporting system, an in-built e-wallet, easy navigation, and so on. Business MLM software is easy to use and highly responsive. It supports all kinds of payment methods and provides great support. Without a doubt, business MLM software is an excellent platform for network marketers to enhance and expand their business opportunities.

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