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Top Data Virtualization Software - Russia

Data virtualization software is used by teams to facilitate agile data storage, retrieval, and integration processes through the use of virtual data layers. To qualify for inclusion in the Data Virtualization category, a product must: -Abstract data through a virtualized layer. -Integrate data from disparate sources. -Facilitate data retrieval and manipulation.

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CData Connect Cloud

CData Connect Cloud

Your organization depends on real-time business and operational data to deliver actionable insights and drive growth. CData Connect is the missing link in your data value chain. CData Connect allows users to connect to data from any cloud application or database through standard database access. With CData Connect, supported data sources look and behave like a standard MySQL database. CData Connect enables direct connectivity from any application that supports standard database connectivity, including popular cloud BI and ETL applications, such as: - Amazon Glue - Amazon QuickSight - Domo - Google Apps Script - Google Cloud Data Flow - Google Cloud Data Studio - Looker - Microsoft Power Apps - Microsoft Power Query - MicroStrategy Cloud - Qlik Sense Cloud - SAP Analytics Cloud - SAS Cloud - SAS Viya - Tableau Online ... and many more! CData Connect acts like a data gateway, translating SQL, and securely proxying API requests. MySQL/SQL/OData Access to Cloud Data Sources Write SQL, Get Data - Powerful SQL abstraction simplifies connectivity, and decouples data access. SQL / MySQL Wire Protocol - Use any application or driver that can communicate with MySQL or SQL Server. Full CRUD Support - Bi-directional data access with full Read, Write, Update, and Delete support. Enterprise-Class Security - Advanced security and authentication. Secure TLS/ SSL data encryption. Request a free trial or learn more at

Flowtrail AI

Flowtrail AI

The AI-driven conversational interface of Flowtrail AI simplifies your data analytics journey. Streamline your data analysis journey effortlessly and eliminate the complexity of traditional analysis. No analytics or SQL expertise required. Instantly generate reports and dashboards for valuable insights in a matter of minutes. Why Flowtrail AI: In today's technologically advanced world, there are many analytics platforms available, and many of them can make use of analytics experts. In contrast, Flowtrail AI allows you to ask any question about your data and receive an answer instantly, so you don't have to know SQL queries, database schemas, or analytics to use it. Features: 1. Chat with your data: Flowtrail AI automatically generates reports by speaking to your database. No SQL expertise is required. Our AI-powered system understands your intent and generates the queries necessary to retrieve the information you need. 2. Advanced Dataset Creation: Seamlessly translate plain language descriptions into SQL queries. Our AI engine interprets your instructions, constructs SQL queries, and retrieves the relevant data from connected databases, making data extraction faster and more accessible. Utilize dynamic parameters to create customizable datasets that respond to user inputs 3. Customizable Reports: Tailor your reports to fit your exact needs. Customize data visualization, formatting, and grouping to create insightful and visually appealing reports that convey your data effectively. Integrate dynamic parameters to enable interactive filtering and personalized report views. 4. Customizable Dashboards: Build dynamic dashboards effortlessly with our intuitive drag-and-drop interface. Arrange and resize visual elements to craft dashboards that provide a comprehensive overview of your data, enabling quick insights and decision-making. 5. Publish & Embed: Share your reports and dashboards securely with stakeholders using password-protected publishing. This ensures that only authorized individuals can view and interact with your reports. You can also integrate your reports and dashboards into external platforms or websites. Improve accessibility and reach by embedding your visualizations wherever necessary. 6. Connect with Favorite Databases: Effortlessly connect to your preferred databases, such as MySQL, PostgreSQL, and MSSQL. More options will be available soon. Streamline your workflow by accessing data from your favourite sources directly within Flowtrail AI, eliminating the need for manual data extraction and importing.



We enable organizations to connect to all of their data in real-time. Denodo is the leader in logical data fabric powered by data virtualization providing data access, data governance, and data delivery capabilities across the broadest range of enterprise, cloud, big data, and unstructured data sources without moving the data from their original repositories. Denodo’s customers across every major industry have gained significant business agility and ROI. The Denodo Platform offers an active data catalog for semantic search and enterprise-wide data governance, industry-leading smart query acceleration powered by AI, automated cloud infrastructure management for multi-cloud and hybrid deployments, and embedded data preparation capabilities for self-service yet well-governed and secure analytics. Denodo provides a unique approach to data integration and management not found in any other technology. Denodo customers reported: 83% increase in business user productivity 67% reduction in data preparation effort 65% decrease in data delivery time vs. ETL resulting in a three-year benefit of $6.8M, ROI of 408%, and payback within six months.

Data Virtuality

Data Virtuality

Data Virtuality offers two products to flexibly solve data integration and management problems in a tailored way that best suits data teams in the fast-paced world of data. Data Virtuality Platform - Data Virtualization for Flexible Data Architectures By uniquely combining data virtualization and data replication, Data Virtuality Platform provides data teams the flexibility to always choose the right method for the specific requirement. It is an enabler for Data Fabric and Data Mesh by providing the self-service capabilities and data governance features that are indispensable for these frameworks. Enterprises around the world, such as BSH, PGGM, PartnerRe or Crédit Agricole use the Data Virtuality Platform to build modern data architectures that meet today’s and tomorrow’s business requirements. Pipes - Easy and Reliable Data Replication With Pipes, anyone can build data pipelines from 200+ available sources to a data warehouse with just a few clicks. Fully automated and without any coding. Many businesses from the E-Commerce and Marketplace space, as well as Marketing Agencies choose Pipes to always have fresh data at any time. With Pipes Professional, data teams can additionally build their custom data pipelines with SQL and make use of job dependencies as well as advanced replication types. Imprint: Privacy notice:

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Top Data Virtualization Software - Russia - WebCatalog