Lexibird - AI assistant for translation and writing
Lexibird - AI assistant for translation and writing
Structured 是一款整合日曆、待辦清單及習慣追蹤器的日程規劃應用,幫助用戶有效管理日常任務和計劃。
結構化:將日曆,待辦事項清單和習慣跟踪器組合為單個時間表的全日制計劃者。加入超過一百萬的快樂計劃者,開始實現自己的目標,並充分利用您的一天。 視覺時間表構成了結構化的核心,您的業務約會,私人事件和待辦事項清單都聚集在一起。在幾秒鐘內輕鬆創建任務,設置截止日期,重新排列,並根據您的需求自定義您的一天。無論是處理多動症,自閉症還是只是尋求更多的結構,我們都在這裡實現它。 Start planning for free to: - Manage your daily tasks in an intuitive timeline and achieve your goals faster - Reach mental clarity by storing your thoughts in the Inbox - you can sort it out later - Use Structured across all your devices and synchronize your tasks to make them accessible from anywhere - Utilize notes and sub-tasks to break down larger tasks into smaller, more manageable parts - Enhance your focus using Live Activities, interactive widgets, and a dedicated focus timer for a more productive and distraction-free work atmosphere - Easily rearrange tasks in seconds using drag & drop whenever your plans change - Enhance your focus using color coding and hundreds of unique icons - Create tasks across time zones, perfect for travelers or collaborating with partners worldwide - Use Structured's accessibility features, including support for VoiceOver, VoiceControl, a dyslexic-friendly font and translations into many languages Upgrade to Structured Pro to: - Integrate all your calendars and to-do lists to create a complete overview of your day - Create recurring tasks to set up routines for your workday or your favorite weekend program - Use Structured AI to create your schedule with natural language recognition - Customize your notifications perfectly to every situation Structured Pro is available for purchase as a monthly or annual subscription, or as a one-time lifetime purchase.

網站: structured.app

免責聲明:WebCatalog 與 Structured 並無任何相互隸屬、關聯、授權或認可之關係,亦非彼此的正式合作夥伴。所有產品名稱、標誌及品牌均為各自所有者的財產。

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Structured - 適用於 Android、iOS、iPadOS 的行動應用程式 - WebCatalog