Google Slides is a presentation program included as part of a free, web-based software office suite offered by Google within its Google Drive service.该服务还包括Google文档和Google Sheets,一个文字处理器和电子表格。 Google Slides is available as a web application, mobile app for Android, iOS, Windows, BlackBerry, and as a desktop application on Google's ChromeOS. The app is compatible with Microsoft PowerPoint file formats.Slides allows users to create and edit presentations online while collaborating with other users in real-time.用户跟踪具有修订历史记录的用户跟踪编辑,该历史记录跟踪演示文稿的变化。 Each editor's position is highlighted with an editor-specific color/cursor and the system regulates what users can do through varying degrees of permissions. Updates have introduced features using machine learning, including "Explore", offering suggested layouts and images for presentations, and "Action items", allowing users to assign tasks to other users.
Google Slides是一种基于云的演示软件,旨在帮助用户在在线演示文稿上创建,编辑和协作。它提供了一系列工具和功能,使其易于制作文本,图像,视频等的引人入胜的幻灯片。用户可以使用Web浏览器从任何设备访问Google幻灯片,从而允许无缝协作和实时更新。
Google幻灯片的关键功能包括其直观接口,这使用户可以简单地添加内容,调整布局和应用主题。该应用程序支持与其他Google服务集成,例如用于存储的Google Drive和用于文档协作的Google文档。此集成使用户可以轻松地从其他Google应用程序导入内容,并与他人共享演示文稿进行反馈或共同编辑。
此描述由 AI(人工智能)生成。AI 可能会犯错。请检查重要信息。
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