Vectorworks Cloud
Mac、Windows用WebCatalog DesktopにあるVectorworks Cloudのデスクトップアプリを使って、体験を向上させましょう。
Built to showcase your skill and creativity, Vectorworks Architect allows you to sketch, model, and document in a fully integrated workflow with the world’s most design-centric BIM solution. With superior 2D graphics, 3D modeling, and visualization tools, Architect is built to deliver absolute creative expression and maximum efficiency. With enhancements that spark limitless creativity, Vectorworks Architect 2024 delivers comprehensive workflow solutions that automate processes, reduce risk, and save time, including a modernized user interface, the ability to save custom viewport settings as styles, and robust parametric objects redefined to address your specificニーズ。制限なくデザインできるようにします。
免責事項:WebCatalogはVectorworks Cloudによって提携、関連、認可、承認されたものではなく、また何らかの方法で公式に接続されたものでもありません。すべての製品名、ロゴ、ブランドはそれぞれの所有者の所有物です。