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Top Healthcare Integration Engines - United States

Healthcare integration engines standardize data flow across diverse clinical systems—such as EHRs and revenue cycle management software—to enhance workflows, optimize care delivery, and simplify the integration of new technologies. These engines enable seamless exchange of clinical, financial, and operational data, fostering transparency and visibility across healthcare systems and hospital IT applications. By leveraging clean, normalized data, healthcare integration engines provide a unified view of patients, benefiting clinicians, medical professionals, and businesses that engage directly with healthcare delivery organizations.

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NexHealth is a patient engagement platform that integrates with health record systems to streamline scheduling, reminders, messaging, forms, and payments.

Definitive Healthcare

Definitive Healthcare

When you navigate the healthcare market, you run into big questions, fast. Where are the people who need your product? Where can you find the experts to inform your product development? And more importantly, how do you turn billions of data points into meaningful answers? At Definitive Healthcare, our passion is to transform data, analytics and expertise into healthcare commercial intelligence. We help clients uncover the right markets, opportunities and people, so they can shape tomorrow’s healthcare industry. Our SaaS platform creates the path to commercial success in the healthcare market, so you can identify where to go next. We offer solutions for customers who work in Biopharma, Medical Devices, Software & IT, Professional Services, Healthcare Providers or any industry looking to sell products into the healthcare market. Our solutions help customers who are looking for intelligence to help with: - Go-to-market planning and execution - Product development - Market intelligence - Corporate development - Sales intelligence & optimization



Keragon is the HIPAA-compliant automation platform for healthcare. With more than 100+ integrations with EHRs, HIPAA-compliant CRMs and AI medical tools you can use the no-code editor to create automations that save time and drive revenue growth at scale.



The ultimate no-code data integrator and custom form building & automation platform. Quickly create enterprise workflows with simple drag-and-drop functions and pre-built tools. Intely offers tailored form creation, data integration, and workflow automation. Easily integrate your stack, consolidate your data, and automate your workflows to get more done in less time.



Redox accelerates healthcare's transformation with useful data. As the leader in healthcare data interoperability, we provide provider, payers, and digital health organizations with the strongest data foundation for shifting to digital-first, value-based healthcare.

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Top Healthcare Integration Engines - United States - WebCatalog