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Top Application Shielding Software - United States

Application shielding software enables users to modify and application’s source to make it more resistant to outside tampering.

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Codacy Helps Build High Quality, Secure Applications. You can get up and running effortlessly and start increasing quality, test coverage, and security today. Codacy is a plug-and-play solution to quickly onboard and scale your team’s projects without hassle. - Start scanning git repos and code changes in minutes - Predictable user-based pricing model - Works with over 49 languages & frameworks



AppSealing is rated #1 Mobile App Shielding solution. It protects mobile apps in minutes without writing a single line of code. The robust runtime application self-protection (rasp security) features protect your customers and mobile apps from tampering, illegal modifications, and other unknown threats. Protect your mobile apps in runtime from: Reverse engineering IP theft Fraudulent app clones Sensitive data loss, and many other negative outcomes.



Appdome is the mobile app economy’s one-stop shop for mobile app defense. Appdome provides the mobile industry’s only fully automated, Unified Mobile App Defense Platform, powered by a patented ML-coding engine, used by mobile brands to eliminate complexity, save money and deliver 300+ Certified Secure™ mobile app security, anti-malware, anti-fraud, MOBILEBot™ Defense, Geo Compliance, anti-cheat, MiTM attack prevention, code obfuscation and other protections in Android and iOS apps with ease, all inside the mobile DevOps and CI/CD pipeline. Appdome’s Unified Defense Platform also includes Threat-Events™ for UX/UI Control and ThreatScope™ Mobile XDR. Leading financial, healthcare, mobile games, retail, government and m-commerce brands use Appdome to protect Android and iOS apps, mobile customers and mobile businesses globally.



Jscrambler is the leader in Client-Side Protection and Compliance. We were the first to merge advanced polymorphic JavaScript obfuscation with fine-grained third-party tag protection in a unified Client-Side Protection and Compliance Platform. Our integrated solution ensures a robust defense against current and emerging client-side cyber threats, digital skimming, data leaks, and IP theft, empowering software development and digital teams to innovate securely. With Jscrambler, businesses adopt a unified, future-proof client-side security policy all while achieving compliance with emerging security standards including PCI DSS v4. All Jscrambler products are fully compliant with all the main tech frameworks and stacks, including HTML5, Node.js, React, Angular, Vue, Meteor, Ember, React Native, Ionic, and NativeScript. With Jscrambler, businesses adopt a unified, future-proof client-side security policy all while achieving compliance with emerging security standards. Jscrambler serves a diverse range of customers, including top Fortune 500 companies, online retailers, airlines, media outlets, and financial services firms whose success depends on safely engaging with their customers online. Join us in shaping the future of web security and enabling fearless digital innovation.

Data Theorem

Data Theorem

RamQuest’s solutions include our fully integrated closing, escrow accounting, imaging, transaction management, esigning, and digital marketplace solutions and are available on-premise or in a hosted environment

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Top Application Shielding Software - United States - WebCatalog