Vcomply是一個無代碼治理,風險和合規性(GRC)管理平台,可幫助您實施合規計劃,分配和跟踪合規任務,監視和衡量GRC計劃的成功,並實時評估和減輕風險。它可以幫助您建立強大的內部控制框架,實施政策,評估風險並加強組織內部的治理。產品包括合規管理,風險管理,審計和保證和政策管理。 Vcomply通過幫助他們來為各種行業提供各種各樣的客戶: - 使用工作流程自動化合規流程 - 不再有手動任務任務和後續工作! - 跨多個功能和位置的集中和自動化合規過程 - 已建立的框架預先構建的控件,並將其委託給利益相關者。 - 監視任務的進度,並與其他利益相關者進行監督與實時合作。 - identify, assess, mitigate and monitor business risks with VComply’s agile risk management workflows - Increase operational efficiency by connecting risks with controls - Drive collaboration through a centralized risk management workspace - Draft and review policy content - Streamline and speed up the policy approval process - Transform policy training process with policy attestations - Extensive reporting for compliance performance, audit reporting in a single click - Live dashboard of compliance targets and due diligence score to determine the effectiveness of the program