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Top WAN Edge Infrastructure Software

Wide Area Network (WAN) Edge Infrastructure Software refers to tools and technologies that help organizations manage and optimize their WANs, especially at the edge of the network. This software is designed to enhance connectivity, improve application performance, and ensure security for users accessing services from different locations, particularly in remote or branch offices. WAN Edge solutions often incorporate features like Software-Defined WAN (SD-WAN), network security, and traffic optimization. WAN edge infrastructure facilitates network connectivity across various locations, allowing users to access resources hosted in both private and public data centers. These solutions enable remote employees to connect seamlessly with local corporate networks, eliminating physical location barriers and promoting smooth business operations. Typically managed by a company's network team, WAN edge infrastructure solutions empower any user within the organization to access necessary data and networks. Additionally, these solutions ensure consistent connectivity, helping organizations maintain continuous uptime for both data and network access. There is also overlap between WAN edge infrastructure and Software-Defined Wide Area Network (SD-WAN) solutions, which offer a virtualized, software-defined approach to managing wide-area networks. Furthermore, WAN optimization tools can be employed to enhance the performance of WAN edge infrastructure.

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