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Top Supply Side Platforms (SSP) - United States

Supply-side platforms (SSPs) enable publishers to monetize their websites by creating and selling ad inventory to marketers on a per-impression or per-visitor basis. By facilitating real-time ad sales, SSPs give publishers greater visibility into each individual impression and help them assess advertising demand instantly. This allows publishers to sell their inventory at the optimal price and maximize its value. SSPs are typically used alongside publisher ad servers—either as an integrated solution or as two separate tools—providing functionality to manage ad inventory and traffic incoming ads. In turn, SSPs empower publisher ad servers to sell ad inventory in real-time, either through ad exchanges or directly to advertisers' demand-side platforms (DSPs).

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Adsterra Advertiser

Adsterra Advertiser

Global advertising and CPA affiliate network with a unique Partner Care approach.



Technology at the intersection of creative and media, delivering the next generation of programmatic advertising platforms.

PubMatic Media Buyers

PubMatic Media Buyers

PubMatic is the leading optimization service for publishers to help them make more money from online advertising. It works with all the leading ad networks to make you more money and reduce your management headache.



AdPushup is a revenue optimization platform that helps web publishers sustainably grow their advertising revenue by using a combination of cutting-edge technology, premium demand partnerships, and proven ad ops expertise. AdPushup is a Google Certified Publishing Partner and an IAB Member.



Broadsign is an end-to-end software solution for media owners and buyers to holistically plan, manage and deliver out-of-home media. For Media owners: Broadsign empowers media owners to efficiently scale, manage, and sell their digital and static out-of-home inventory through automated software, intelligent campaign tools, powerful network operations, and programmatic advertising. For Brands & Agencies: Reach audiences with dynamic and flexible campaigns that deliver quality impressions in real-time. With programmatic DOOH, you can deliver contextual, targeted messaging that drives impact at every stage of your audience's journey.



Insticator is the global leader in increasing engagement for publishers through interactive content. Insticator empowers Publishers and Users alike with its full suite of engagement products, from Insticator's human-moderated Commenting platform that ensures safer, healthier discourse, to its Content Engagement Unit that allows audiences to voice their opinions and interact with content that speaks directly to their interests. Over 350 million online consumers are reached monthly across Insticator’s vast network of premium publishing partners that includes, WebMD, Fox Sports, RealClear Media Group, and more.



Sharethrough is an omnichannel supply side platform underpinned by advanced RTB tech and enhanced ad experiences that are proprietary to Sharethrough. Sharethrough aims to bring human-centric technology to programmatic advertising with the goal of creating a sustainable advertising ecosystem for journalists, content creators, and app developers.



You can't optimize what you can't see. PubWise believes in Radical Observability™, and offers a first party, end-to-end programmatic advertising platform that eliminates unnecessary middlemen and creates observability of the entire digital advertising supply chain for publishers. Technology moves fast, which is why PubWise takes care of it all for you. Analytics are hard, which is why PubWise built SPOT, our patent-pending machine-learning Smart Path Optimization Technology®. Revenue is complex, which is why PubWise offers ease of management and excellent customer support. Optimization is expensive, which is why PubWise offers real time and automatic optimizations as well as available resources.



PubNative, now Verve Group, is a mobile publisher platform and programmatic ad exchange, providing advanced monetization solutions for mobile app developers. With its proprietary cross-format optimization technology and mobile in-app bidding solution, PubNative enables mobile publishers to maximize their programmatic advertising revenue via flexible integrations (API, SDK, JavaScript). The company is headquartered in Berlin with satellite offices in Beijing and Seoul.



Airtomic is PPC software designed specifically for agencies, brands, and freelancers. Our unified dashboard empowers you to optimize your campaigns by seamlessly grouping specific campaigns together, providing enhanced visibility into your spend and performance metrics.

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