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Top Push-To-Talk (PTT) Software - United States

Push-to-talk (PTT) software transforms devices into instant communication channels, similar to walkie-talkies. With this software installed, users can communicate by pressing a single button and speaking into their device, instantly transmitting their message to relevant team members in real time. PTT tools enable quick and effective communication for teams in different locations without relying on phone calls or text messaging. Consequently, these solutions are popular among teams in various industries such as field sales, construction, and manufacturing, where members are often spread across different sites. While some PTT options require specific devices from service providers, most have evolved into software solutions compatible with a wide range of devices. Some PTT solutions are available exclusively as mobile apps, while others can also be downloaded on desktop computers.

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Verizon is an American wireless network operator that previously operated as a separate division of Verizon Communications under the name of Verizon Wireless.



Voxer is a San Francisco based mobile app development company best known for its free Voxer Walkie Talkie app for smartphones. Founded by Tom Katis and Matt Ranney, Voxer Walkie Talkie is both a live "push-to-talk" system and a voice messaging system. Messages on Voxer are delivered live as they’re being recorded and then delivered as a voice message as well. The app works on Android, Windows Phone and the iOS operating systems. In April 2012, the company raised $30 million in venture financing from Institutional Venture Partners (IVP), Intel Capital and other angel investors.



Zello is the leading push-to-talk voice messaging app for teams and businesses worldwide, turning iOS, Android, and Windows devices into walkie-talkies that also record messages, track location, and send emergency alerts. Account administrators add, remove, and group together teams through a centralized, web-based management console. Channels are flexible to suit the needs of each customer, especially those in the hospitality, manufacturing, construction, transportation, and retail industries. Zello is ideal for businesses with deskless workers, field workers, remote workers, and lone workers. Use cases in this category include hotels with various staff members, construction crews on noisy job sites, and retail salespeople on the sales floor. Join the millions of Zello users who communicate in real-time over any wireless or data network to share updates, connect in emergencies, and solve problems. Zello serves thousands of businesses and has more than 130 million users worldwide. Current customers include Honda, Restoration Hardware, Starwood/Marriott Hotels, Uniqlo, Waste Management (WM), and YRC Freight. Zello is recognized as a reliable communication solution by reputable sources like the Wall Street Journal, the New York Times, CBS, CNBC, USA Today, and TechCrunch.



Yac is a quick and easy way to collaborate asynchronously with your team on your own time. Replace whole meetings and share information faster with a single voice note or a screenshare rich in context and reclaim your day.



Voice is the future of frontline work. The Orion PTT 2.0 Voice Platform drives productivity, employee safety, and customer engagement for the enterprise frontline workforce. Our global customers transform their workforce through Orion’s E2EE secure instant communications, voice automation and AI bots, advanced location services, and software integrations.

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Top Push-To-Talk (PTT) Software - United States - WebCatalog