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Top Banking as a Service (BaaS) Software

Banking as a Service (BaaS) solutions enable non-financial businesses to integrate financial products into their services via APIs. BaaS providers collaborate with licensed banks, combining the bank's financial products (such as checking accounts, savings accounts, credit cards, and payment processing) with their own technology, and then offer this bundle to their customers through APIs. These solutions are often white-labeled or co-branded, allowing businesses to maintain consistent branding for users. BaaS providers serve as the tech-powered intermediary between non-financial businesses looking to offer financial products and the banks themselves. BaaS works by utilizing financial data APIs to connect to financial products and data, allowing non-financial companies to seamlessly embed various financial products into their own offerings. BaaS users—such as fintech companies, neobanks, and non-financial organizations like e-commerce platforms—can either integrate existing banking products into their solutions or use BaaS tools to access customer financial data from partner banks and create their own branded financial products. By leveraging BaaS, businesses can avoid much of the regulatory and compliance complexity that typically comes with entering the financial services sector, enabling them to focus on their core offerings while expanding their product range.

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